One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church
or Palmarian Christian Church
Who are we?
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To give an idea of what the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church is, it is necessary to go back to Calvary itself and remember that the Catholic Church was born of the Most Sacred and pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Palmarian Morals oblige Priests, above all, to preach Christ Crucified. We know that the Most Holy Virgin Mary shared spiritually in all the sufferings of Her Divine Son, Jesus Christ. That is why we give ourselves to Jesus and Mary with all our being. It is common among Palmarians to love the Most Holy Virgin Mary intensely. This is a point where no discussion is allowed. Whoever does not want to love and serve the Mother of God will not be interested in being a member of the Palmarian Church. Our love to our Heavenly Mother is both internal and external. Our internal love is manifested with the great trust that Palmarians have for Her, and in our deep gratitude for the many miracles, large and small, that She continually performs for Her faithful children within the Palmarian Church. Our external love is reflected principally in the beautiful statues, richly adorned with most profound devotion; images and writings that inspire true Marian devotion, and beautiful embroidery that is produced ceaselessly in the Palmarian Church. Among the Palmarian hymns is a significant number addressed to The Exalted and ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother; hymns endowed with such beauty that our souls rise to the same level as the Seraphim in the Heavenly Choirs, singing glories and praises to God Triune in thanksgiving for being children of a Mother so tender and sweet as Mary.

The mission of the Most Holy Virgin Mary is to present us to Her Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and to lead us to love the Most Blessed Trinity. She is the pathway to Heaven. The Palmarian Church takes very seriously what She has preached in Her Apparitions in different parts of the world, emphasizing among them the need for prayer and penance.
Until August 6, 1978, the Most Holy Virgin Mary directed her many faithful within the Catholic Apostolic Roman Church, as She had done for almost 20 centuries. Due to the apostasy of the Church in Rome after the death of Pope Saint Paul VI, Our Lord Jesus Christ left Rome and directly handed over the Keys of Saint Peter to the person of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. In this way, the True Church was moved to the desert of El Palmar de Troya, conserving the traditions and rites that the Catholic Church has taught for centuries.

Over the course of ten years, the Heavenly Court manifested Itself copiously in the Sacred Lentisco of El Palmar, spiritually strengthening, counseling, and preparing Its predilect children, to later move definitively the Holy See of the Vatican to El Palmar de Troya, the Sacred Place of the Lentisco. For nine years Christ prepared certain people to continue the Work that Our Lord had established almost twenty centuries before. Two of these people would later be Pope St. Gregory XVII and Pope St. Peter II.
For the beauty and piety of its Divine Worship and for the holiness of many of its members, the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Palmarian Church is worthy to be studied and observed with the holy fear of God. To those who have blasphemed and spread so many lies and calumnies against this Work of God and against the people who form part of It, we say that no one mocks God. May the liars and calumniators tremble! Above all, those who have published their infamies in the mass communication media; the authors of books who gain fame and money by writing untruthful books and documents without foundation. There is no excuse for letting oneself be led by apparently pious people, when in truth, they are moved by Satan himself to battle brazenly against the True Church of Christ. These enemies of Christ have already lost the battle, because Christ will keep His Church from harm and will not allow the gates of Hell to prevail against Her.
Hallmarks of the True Church
1. The Church of Christ is: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian:
- She is One in the Faith, because the truth revealed by God is the same for all; One in government, because there is one sole visible Head, the Pope; and One in the Sacraments, because they are the same for all the Church’s faithful.
- She is Holy, because her Founder is Holy; her doctrine is Holy; her aims and many of her members are Holy.
- She is Catholic, because she is universal, for she embraces all truths and is for all peoples.
- She is Apostolic, because her hierarchy and doctrine derive from the Apostles.
- She is Palmarian, because her See is now at El Palmar de Troya (Seville, Spain).
2. The true Church of Christ is indefectible, invincible and indestructible, by the very promise of her Divine Founder: “The gates of Hell shall not prevail against her.”
3. The true Church of Christ is also called ‘Palmarian Christian Church of the Carmelites of the Holy Face’, or ‘Palmarian Christian Church’, or ‘Palmarian Church’; since in essence this is exactly the same as saying ‘the Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian.’
4. The Palmarian Church is the sole and authentic Christian Church, name which comes to her from Christ, her Divine Founder.
5. On the 6th of August 1978, after the death of Pope Saint Paul VI, Our Lord Jesus Christ, accompanied by the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul, chose and crowned the new Pope, Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. From that moment on the roman church ceased to be the true Church.
6. Owing to the apostasy of the roman church, Christ translated the See of His Church from Rome to El Palmar de Troya on the 9th of August 1978. By the election of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great and the translation of the See to El Palmar de Troya, the true Church of Christ received the title of Palmarian.
7. The Holy Ghost is the Soul of one single True Church, namely the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian. Outside of Her, the indwelling of the Most Divine Paraclete in souls is not possible.
8. The members of the Palmarian Church constitute the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary, which comprises three branches: Friars, Nuns, and Tertiary faithful.
9. On the 30th of July 1982, Pope Saint Gregory XVII withdrew all powers from bishops, presbyters and deacons outside the true Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian. He also withdrew the sacred character from all relics, images, objects used in worship, altars, and so forth, of the apostate, heretical and schismatic churches. Moreover, the eucharistic presence of Christ and Mary vanished from all the tabernacles of the world not pertaining to the Palmarian Church.
10. Bishops, presbyters and deacons outside the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church have no power validly to perform any act of Priestly Ministry.