The Greeting of "Ave María Purísima"
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“For wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name,
there I am in the midst of them.” [1]
Our Lord Jesus Christ
When two people meet each other they greet and when they go their separate ways they say goodbye: the natural prologue and epilogue of every interval of time, brief or lengthy, that people share, and by which they endeavour to express their mutual goodwill.
Different cultures and societies practice the greeting in different ways; the palmarians across the universe do it by saying “Ave María Purísima” and responding “Sin pecado concebida”. This is the Spanish for “Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin”.
When two palmarians greet each other, they don’t only greet each other: they also pray, as “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” is one of our foremost prayers[2].
When two palmarians say “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” they hurl a powerful exorcism against Satan and his henchmen[3], and in this way they sanctify their conversation from the outset and work together on their perseverance when they go their separate ways.
When two palmarians greet each other with “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” they proclaim joyfully and with confidence that Mary, Our Mother, is Immaculate[4], the Woman announced in Genesis[5], the Health of Mankind[6].
When two palmarians greet each other with “Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida” they greatly please the Most Holy Virgin. Jesus, her Most Holy Son, is obliged to unite Himself to them, the Eternal Father contemplates them with infinite tenderness and mercy, the Holy Ghost helps and strengthens them with his most vehement charity, the angels and the saints joyfully praise and bless God, the Holy Souls in Purgatory are happy and have renewed hope and the Children of Limbo together praise and bless St. Joseph.
When two palmarians greet each other with ” Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida”, the whole of Heaven does it with them.
[1] Holy Palmarian Bible Superior Grade, 15th Part B: The Holy Gospel – Book V Ch. XXVII, 7.
[2] Palmarian Catechism Superior Grade, 1st Section: The Christian Doctrine Ch. LXXX, D.
[3] Pontifical Documents of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, 49th Document, VIII.
[4] Palmarian Creed, pg. 15.
[5] Palmarian Creed, pg. 15.
[6] Palmarian Creed, pg. 22.