To discover the truth about the True Church, one vital thing is to believe the truth. One truth is this: Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, received Heavenly Messages. Many say this could not be true because he was a sinner. But this is all the more reason to believe that he could receive Heavenly Messages, because it was he himself who was being corrected by Heaven. A saint would not need to be given so many messages. Messages are given for the conversion of sinners, and as the world is full of sinners, God chooses one of them and touches his heart and the hearts of many more. If Heaven chooses a great sinner and this sinner does much prayer and penance, he…
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This report will seek to move the hearts of those who desire to be faithful to Christ to recognize the true Pope, His Holiness Peter III. Millions of Roman Catholics follow with great fidelity an antipope whose see is in Rome. It is said that numerous people, perhaps hundreds of millions, defend the antipope, while the true Pope is recognized as the Vicar of Christ by only a small group of faithful. This is a very serious matter because God, One and Triune, has given the Pope the authority to rule in His name. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. Christ chose St. Peter to lead the Church, and we all owe allegiance to the successors of St. Peter, as if we were obeying Christ Himself. Not accepting the…
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43rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We would like to report that there is a great devotion and love for the Holy Face of Jesus in the world. Many people receive prayer cards from Palmarian Catholic Action with great enthusiasm and gratitude. Not a few, but many people fall in love with the Holy Face when they are presented with a prayer card. Logically the Palmarian Catholic Church gives these holy cards of the Divine Face of Jesus free of charge. The apostolate of the Holy Face is done for the love of Our Divine Saviour and not for financial gain. So many people like these Holy Face cards that we have had to print more in various countries. We have a video on YouTube showing the devotion to the Holy Face in the Divine Worship…
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42nd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Viva la Santa Faz!    According to the Palmarian Catechism, the main devotion of the Holy Palmarian Catholic Church is to the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason, in our Religious Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, the reply given to the Pope's orders is always: Viva la Santa Faz! (Long live the Holy Face!). With this response, obedience to God is proclaimed through the commands of the Holy Father who represents Christ on earth. The Palmarian Moral requires Priests to especially preach about Christ Crucified. By preaching about Christ Crucified, we teach the faithful to love and make reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus, so terribly outraged on the day of His Passion and Death. To better understand the devotion to the Holy Face…
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41st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Ave María Purísima! This time we begin the report with the Palmarian greeting, "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" (“Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin”). This is not something new that the Palmarian Catholic Church has introduced, but it is a traditional greeting that older people will remember using and hearing many years ago. When two Palmarians greet each other, they not only greet each other: they also pray, for "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" is one of our main prayers. When two Palmarians say "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" they launch a powerful exorcism against Satan and his minions. When two Palmarians greet each other with "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" they proclaim with joy and confidence that Mary, our Mother, is the Immaculate, the…
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40th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

If Heaven were opened up and contemplated by all the inhabitants of the earth, an unimaginable number of Saints would be seen. Among them, in very prominent places, are the members of the Holy Palmarian Church who died after the Roman Church apostatized in 1978. We know from the doctrine of the Holy Apostolic Church of Christ, which is the Palmarian Church, that Heaven is not a place but a state. In this state, the soul enjoys a heavenly happiness incomparable to any other happiness we know. Heaven is the reward for souls faithful to God who have served Him and sacrificed for Him here on earth. In spite of the terrible diabolical persecution against It, Satan has not been able to destroy the Holy Palmarian Church, which daily offers…
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39th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

For those who do not know the history of the Holy Palmarian Church well, it is necessary to evoke the figure of Saint Paul VI, Martyr of the Vatican. Before this Great Pope of the Roman Catholic Church died, he had been manipulated and drugged by the enemies of the Church. Regrettably, he did not have enough support among the Cardinals and Bishops to keep the Catholic Church firmly on the path it had followed since Saint Peter translated the Church to Rome. Although Saint Paul VI (Pontificate: from 6-19-1963 to 8-6-1978) was the true Pope, very many of his Cardinals and Bishops were not faithful to the Church. All kinds of heretics, Freemasons, Communists, etc. had been introduced into the Roman hierarchy. That is why, when Saint Paul VI…
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38th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The Palmarian Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ. This is a very, very serious matter. It is not something to be mocked as many do, calling it a sect. Those who call it that show great ignorance. As they do not understand it, they criticize and make fun of it, thus revealing their lack of religious knowledge and education. The Most Holy Virgin Mary chose the village of El Palmar de Troya for Her great Apparition in 1968 for very important reasons. Before that Apparition in El Palmar de Troya, the following was prophesied in the apparitions of Ezquioga, Spain, when Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “There will be precursory signs of the war, religious tepidity and moral corruption, vice deemed as virtue and virtue as vice, believers…
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37th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

On the 13th of October, 1917, there was a heavenly manifestation in Fatima when the Most Holy Virgin Mary fulfilled Her promise to perform a great miracle on this day in front of 100,000 people. In the same way, the Immaculate Virgin Mary has promised to perform a Great Miracle in the Sacred Place of the Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya to show the world that the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church is the True Church of Christ, transferred there because of the apostasy of the roman church. When this great miracle happens, the Virgin Mary will be seen above the great Cathedral of El Palmar by all the inhabitants of the earth. The Holy Palmarian Church will by then be well prepared for this Great Miracle.…
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36th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Every month we present this report to give an idea of how our website is going. It has been three years since we started. The important thing is that there have been conversions. Not many, but yes, there are new faithful. Despite all the evil that is published against the Palmarian Church, this Holy Church is overcoming all obstacles and is pleasing more and more its Divine Founder, Our Lord Jesus Christ. The triumph of the Palmarian Catholic Church is getting closer. Consider that Jesus, Saviour of men, continues His salvific work through His True Church, which is now the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church. Do you want to please Jesus? Be a member of his Church and don't be involved in any of those false churches around…
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