49th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

49th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

From the commentaries made on certain websites, there are people, probably many, who take us to be mad, heretical, phoney priests and a thousand other like things. Why is it that the True Church is so difficult to see and accept? If we turn to Calvary, we see there the Son of God, almost naked, nailed to the Cross, agonizing for three hours upon two wooden beams joined together to make Jesus look as ridiculous as possible. This is a reality which all Christians accept. They accept it now because this truth has been proven. The proof is that Christ rose from the dead after the atrocities they had done to Him. Christ’s many miracles in life did not suffice to save Him from the cruelty of men; yet, on…
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48th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

48th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The great mission of the Holy Palmarian Church gives us great peace and tranquility because God the Holy Ghost is the Promoter of that mission. What is that mission? It is a doctrinal, disciplinary and liturgical renewal, never before known in the Catholic Church. And why is it being done right now? Well, because at this moment the Church is reduced to a small number, and the faithful of that number are very sincere and practice the Catholic Faith with great dedication and docility. This is exactly what the Holy Ghost needs: docility to His divine inspirations. Docile souls are those who do God's will because they love God and want to serve and please God in everything they do.     God the Holy Ghost, traditionally considered to be…
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47th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

47th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Firstly, we are going to undertake to present clear signs that the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church is the True Church. Yes, the true one: not a sect as claimed by a multitude of ignorant people in many places. The True Church means the only Church that is faithful to Christ and the only Church that possesses the Eucharistic presence of Christ. The True Church, faithful to sound doctrine, is the Palmarian Church. For this reason, although some say that the Palmarian Church is a sect, we proclaim that the Palmarian Church is the True Church.    So that it can be clearly understood why we are so sure that it is the True Church, we will make a comparison between what happens in Heaven and what happens…
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Messages of Fatima 1917

Messages of Fatima 1917

https://youtu.be/Af_cP646djIIn Fatima (1917) during the First World War, the Most Holy Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherds, giving evident proofs, by way of a spectacular miracle, of the truth of the Apparitions and Apocalyptic Messages She had given. This miracle was witnessed by a great crowd of pilgrims and other spectators, who had gathered at Fatima on the 13th of October. Among other Messages given in Fatima, the Most Holy Virgin Mary: made an anguished calling to prayer and penance, in the face of the chaotic situation of the world, immersed in immorality and amid the cataclysm of the First World War; She asked for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, and reparation to Her Immaculate Heart on the first Saturdays of the month; She warned that unless…
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