64th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

64th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

It is certainly true to say that our apostolate is going from wonder to wonder, regardless of what our defamers may say or invent. Can God be hindered? Can anyone prevent the impulse of God the Holy Ghost, who illuminates the minds of the Palmarian Apostles to carry out their great apostolate? We are at a time of religious chaos in the world. Now more than ever the apostasy of the roman church is clearly evident. Now as never before, God the Holy Ghost is urging us to make known the True Church – the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church. The Holy Ghost is showing the world where the True Church and the True Pope are. These two go together: you cannot have the True Church without having…
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63rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

63rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The highlight of our internet apostolate recently has been the support our videos have received regarding the infernal heresy of the antipope of Rome in blessing homosexual unions and unions of those living in concubinage, that is, living together without being married. It is clear that a very large number of Roman Catholics do not agree with this new anti-Catholic doctrine. We know that in Rome they will continue to support the antipope despite the fact that he allows what was previously unimaginable in the Church. However, the Holy Ghost will continue to breathe upon and inspire Roman Catholics to leave that church and breathe the pure air in the True Catholic Church in El Palmar de Troya, Spain. There are many videos and debates on the internet that show…
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62nd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

62nd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We often look at other people's faults and are scandalized by what we don't like. We continually judge the people around us by their expressions, their gestures, the colour of their clothes, the way they walk, etc. We analyze every detail of the people we look at according to our vision of reality. And when we have an important person in front of us, we pay even more attention to every detail. The True Pope has a normal appearance, he is not a person from another planet, he is a normal person who eats, sleeps, gets tired and is happy when there is something to be happy about. Nothing he does as a person affects his role as Vicar of Christ. Vicar of Christ means representative of Christ on Earth.…
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Father Simon Maria – Clear explanations to understand the Palmarian Church

Father Simon Maria – Clear explanations to understand the Palmarian Church

https://youtu.be/beQQwtB7Wl0In this explanatory video, Father Simon Maria defends the True Palmarian Church, enlightening us as to where the True Church that Christ founded almost two thousand years ago is to be found. The sermon addresses the apostasy of the Church in Rome and the translation of the True Church from the Vatican to El Palmar de Troya.Without detracting from the explanatory value of Father Simon Maria's sermon, the evidence of the apostasy of the roman church is so clear that it is impossible to ignore the detrimental changes the roman church has undergone in terms of Catholic doctrine and morals.Unless you prefer the tepidity of living immersed in this moral and religious decadence and accept the errors coming from Rome, this video should be a wake-up call for all those…
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61st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

61st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Our Internet apostolate continues to reach very large numbers of people of many languages and races. We have reached and continue to reach the most remote islands. This sounds wonderful, but it isn’t quite so, because it means that more and more people are rejecting the True Church of Christ. There continues to be enormous amounts of insults and mockery hurled at us from all sides. However, we know that this is normal for the Church of Christ. To be persecuted and mistreated is proper for the children of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ, who suffered much worse outrages during His life on Earth.There is a very simple explanation of why the Palmarian Catholic Church is rejected by the masses and the antipope is acclaimed by so many people. First…
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Solemn Procession, 1st of January 2024

Solemn Procession, 1st of January 2024

https://youtu.be/7QbKTxLruBI1st of January 2024. Solemn Procession with the Floats of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar and of Most Holy Crowned Saint Joseph of Palmar, preceded by His Holiness Pope Peter III in the Sacred Place of the Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya - Seville - Spain.
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60th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

60th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

As we have reached the 60th report and we publish every month on the 15th, it means that it is 5 years since the website of Christ was started. This website is published by the Holy Palmarian Church which is the True Church of Christ. We know that the True Church has Christ as its guide, as source of Divine Light; that is why we can clearly say that this website is the work of Christ. A Christ thirsting for souls, a Christ eager to lead souls to His Church which He Himself founded on Calvary. Christ, the very Son of God, has His representative on Earth, who is the Pope. Unfortunately, there are very few faithful who recognize His True Vicar, Pope Peter III. In spite of the fact…
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