65th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

65th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Every time the antipope of Rome speaks on doctrinal issues, the triumph of the Palmarian Catholic Church is closer because he continually contradicts the traditional doctrine of the Catholic Church of all times. Francisco Bergoglio knows perfectly well that he is not the True Pope because if he were the True Pope he would not preach the opposite of what the Catholic Church has always taught on procreation and other matters. It is known from the teachings of the Church that procreation is the primary purpose of marriage and nothing else. Marriage cooperates with God for the multiplication of human beings. At the very moment of conception, God creates and infuses the soul. Therefore, that creature has the right to be born. No one can go against this sacred right.…
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New videos! Palmarian Holy Week 2024

New videos! Palmarian Holy Week 2024

20th of March: In commemoration of Palm Sunday https://youtu.be/2oa-Ve9x4aQhttps://youtu.be/Xco0hR-gr4w 21st of March: In commemoration of Holy Monday https://youtu.be/Rd2Sfg-5Zqk
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New Video! 19th of March 2024 Feast Day of St. Joseph

New Video! 19th of March 2024 Feast Day of St. Joseph

https://youtu.be/N0-GSKiy9a4 19th of March 2024 Feast Day of St. Joseph The Palmarian Church celebrates the main feast of St. Joseph, Father and Doctor of the Church, with a solemn Pontifical.In the messages of El Palmar, many mysteries about this exalted Protector of the Church have been clarified. Then in the Holy Palmarian Councils, very important dogmas have been defined about St. Joseph and his great mission as Head of the Holy Family, Virginal Father of Jesus and Virginal Spouse of Mary. The Most Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph was pre-sanctified in his mother's womb in the third month.The Most Exalted Patriarch St. Joseph is in Heaven in Body and Soul; from where, as Spouse of the Virgin Mary, he exercises his empire over the Angels, over the Saints and over the…
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64th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

64th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

It is certainly true to say that our apostolate is going from wonder to wonder, regardless of what our defamers may say or invent. Can God be hindered? Can anyone prevent the impulse of God the Holy Ghost, who illuminates the minds of the Palmarian Apostles to carry out their great apostolate? We are at a time of religious chaos in the world. Now more than ever the apostasy of the roman church is clearly evident. Now as never before, God the Holy Ghost is urging us to make known the True Church – the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church. The Holy Ghost is showing the world where the True Church and the True Pope are. These two go together: you cannot have the True Church without having…
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63rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

63rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The highlight of our internet apostolate recently has been the support our videos have received regarding the infernal heresy of the antipope of Rome in blessing homosexual unions and unions of those living in concubinage, that is, living together without being married. It is clear that a very large number of Roman Catholics do not agree with this new anti-Catholic doctrine. We know that in Rome they will continue to support the antipope despite the fact that he allows what was previously unimaginable in the Church. However, the Holy Ghost will continue to breathe upon and inspire Roman Catholics to leave that church and breathe the pure air in the True Catholic Church in El Palmar de Troya, Spain. There are many videos and debates on the internet that show…
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