25th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We are now in our third year of this special website. We call it special because it is an eyeopener for so many souls who thought that the traditional devotions of the Catholic Church had disappeared from the face of the earth. The solid Catholic Doctrine presented in our website is delightful for those who are humble of heart and have become dismayed with all the new theories presented by the roman church, which in general are modern progressist ideas—all far off from traditional Catholic Doctrine. We hope this new year will bring a million visitors to “Heaven’s website”. At least one million will get a glimpse of the Doctrine of the True Church of Jesus Christ. At least one million can comment to other millions that they have found…
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24th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We are now publishing the 24th report on Heaven’s website. As we do a report each month, this means we have now completed two years of spreading the Heavenly Messages of El Palmar de Troya in this way. We have every right in the world to call this website “Heaven’s website”. The reason being that the Holy Palmarian Church is the True Church of Jesus Christ. As it is the True Church, it is inspired by God the Holy Ghost to spread the True Faith around the world. We now have many more publications on the website than when we started out two years ago. We have uploaded sufficient information and publications for any person to be able to reach the conclusion that, due to the apostasy of Rome, the…
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23rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

As usual, we have been very busy this past month with our Apostolic effort to bring news of the Holy Palmarian Catholic Church to new places and to increase the number of visitors in places where we are already known. The recent Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by His Holiness Pope Peter III has provoked quite a lot of interest around the world. We have published the video of the Consecration in YouTube in Spanish, English, German, Polish and Russian, and we are preparing subtitles in several other languages. Some have asked why the Pope made this Consecration. In the recently published Papal Decree on the Solemn Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we quote the Palmarian Pontiff:  “To those who ask the…
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22nd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

This last month of September was very beneficial for our apostolate. A good number of people from different countries read our posts. With God's help, one day these publications will be of use to countless souls for their conversion. We don't expect huge conversions, at least for now. We may not see the fruits in the short term, and we may not even see it in this life. We are satisfied that at least it is known that the True Church of Christ still exists and that Our Lord has not abandoned it. Just like the mustard seed, so tiny and insignificant to human eyes, our apostolate will culminate into a lush tree of innumerable fruits. All the efforts of the Palmarian apostolate have as their main goal the salvation…
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21st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Once again we present the good news of the apostolate of the Holy Palmarian Church. Great efforts have been made in this last month of August to spread the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. We have been able to penetrate into the remotest places of the world, taking the knowledge of the Palmarian Catholic Church to the ends of the earth through a beautiful video of the Holy Face. Presented in ten different languages, the Most Holy and Most Beautiful Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ will have touched the hearts of many people, encouraging them to love Him more and to draw closer to His True Church, which is small in number but great in virtue. Everyone is invited to enter this little paradise, which is the…
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20th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

This July, the number of visitors to our website increased by 34% compared to June. In this month of August, we are carrying out a great apostolate, spreading the devotion to the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race and Solace of our hearts. Despite certain difficulties, which have now been overcome thanks be to God, we have uploaded to YouTube a video about the Holy Face with subtitles in ten languages. In this way, we hope to obtain great blessings for the human race from the Eternal Father through the Holy Face of His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Mexico has climbed to third place on the list of the highest number of visitors to our website. Argentina and Brazil follow in first and second…
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19th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

June was a calmer month in the number of visitors to our website compared to May. In May, a multitude of people saw the publications about the Blessed Virgin Mary, our glorious Heavenly Mother, who cares so much for us from Heaven. To please our Divine Mother, in the coming month of August we will continue showing Her our unconditional love, thanking Her for Her divine intercession before Her Son for the benefits She has obtained for us. August will be a very special month. We are organizing a very large apostolate on the internet to spread the devotion of the Holy Face of Her Divine Son Jesus Christ, Saviour of mankind. The mission of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, is to bring us to Her Divine Son in…
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18th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The month of May, a month dedicated to the Holy Ghost and the Blessed Virgin Mary, was a month of great success for the Palmarian apostolate. The main objective of the Palmarian Catholic Action’s activities was to present a large number of people to the Mother of God, under Her Sweet Title of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar. The number of visitors to our website increased more than 35 percent in May compared to April. For the month of June, a month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we hope to continue with very significant numbers. The hundreds of thousands of people who will see the videos and photographs of the beautiful image of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar will be impressed with Her beauty which so inspires souls…
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17th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The Great Fisher of Souls, His Holiness Pope Peter III, continues to encourage Palmarian Catholic Action to continue this important apostolate. Launched 17 months ago, this website was created as an instrument to teach the True Catholic Faith to many people throughout the world. Before this Palmarian website existed, everything that was said about the Holy Palmarian Church on the Internet was negative and slanderous. Now, the percentage of good posts increases more and more, with great fruits. Also, a considerable increase in malicious publications has been noticed, but many people are already realizing that there is a network of lies against the Church. The Palmarian Church is very specially protected by the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. As Christ is the very Truth and the Palmarian Church is…
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16th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Time is passing since we launched this website and we increasingly see how the Holy Ghost is bringing the light of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church to the different countries scattered throughout the world. First of all, we are pleased that the number of visitors to our website increased by twelve percent in March 2020 compared to February this year. The number of visitors who continue to enter from Spain, Brazil and Argentina is noteworthy. At the moment, Argentina is in first place, Spain is in second place and Brazil is in third. It is curious that visitors from Spain spend considerably more time looking at documents than visitors from Argentina and Brazil. Lately, in Peru, there has been a lot of interest in finding out about…
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