35th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

In this Report we want to thank those who help us so much with their encouraging comments on different websites. We speak to those who are not members of the Holy Palmarian Church, but see clearly the good work that we do. For example, our video “The Glory of the Church” received some beautiful comments, like this one, for example: “I have just seen the video. Fantastic! Marvelous! Charming! It is impossible to see it and not be on fire with love and devotion! Where have I been for so many years away from such great beauty and splendor! Thank you all for sharing it!".We believe that the number of bad comments is much higher than the good ones. We delete these comments as they are not worthy to be…
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34th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Thanks a thousand times to God the Holy Ghost, the God of Love, for His wise inspirations that open the way for a large number of people to acquire knowledge of the True Church. Lately, we have been able to carry out a very important apostolate in many countries thanks to the lights that the Holy Ghost is bestowing on Palmarian Catholic Action. Logically, these inspirations come through the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Most Pure Spouse of God the Holy Ghost. And how does one know that these inspirations are from God? Because man is inclined to evil, and without the Holy Ghost he cannot do any good works. All good things come from God and all bad things are instigated by the devil. When God the Holy Ghost impels…
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33rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

It has now been thirty-three months since we started this website. Thirty-three is a very important number because it was Christ's age when He died on the Cross to save humanity and open Heaven to us. Accompanied by his Most Holy Mother, Christ offered Himself as a victim for us, miserable sinners. If someone does not consider himself a miserable sinner, he is very wrong. Very often we sin numerous times a day without realizing it due to the bad habits we have formed. A bad word is a sin, something repugnant to God, and it deserves His just punishment. Nonetheless, how many bad words are used without even a sign of regret. How many times do people offend God by looking at bad things on mobile phones, such as…
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32nd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

As time goes by, it becomes clear that God is taking great care of His Holy Church, which is now the Palmarian Catholic Church. Although the Palmarian Church is still small in numbers, it is gaining the attention of many people who do not yet know this Holy Church very well. Some recognize it as the True Church, but fear drives them back. Nobody likes to be ridiculed by others, and this is how it is for those who are in favour of the Palmarian Church. It is a shame to lose the opportunity to belong to this paradise on earth. This is not an exaggeration. In the Palmarian Church the most wonderful graces that God gives to a human being are experienced. In order to understand this Sacred Work,…
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31st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We must be very grateful to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for the good that is being done with this website. Although we live in a corrupt world, there are a certain number of souls crying out to Heaven for the light to know where the True Church is. Normally we don't like to talk much about the apostate church in Rome, but it is clear that people realize that this church is no longer trustworthy. The roman church no longer represents the religious ideals of so many priests, religious and people of piety in general, scattered throughout different parts of the world.  This confusion of faith is not only experienced by those in the Roman Church: many people who want to serve God and the Virgin Mary are…
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30th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Every month we write this Report about our website, and we have now reached the Thirtieth Report. This means that the website has been published for two and a half years. During this time, more than a million people have seen it. Some view it for a long time and others for a short time. Of course, the world has almost 8 billion people, so a million represents a very small percentage. However, we have sown a million seeds, which do not grow equally: some take longer than others to flower. With good rain they grow faster; that is, with much prayer people grow in faith and virtue. Storms destroy what is cultivated and do not allow it to grow; that is, sins hinder the growth of the seeds. A…
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29th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

To begin this report, we want to express our gratitude to all those who support the Palmarian apostolate. In this month of May, a month dedicated to the Holy Ghost and to the Divine Mary, our apostolic activities have greatly increased. One of the reasons for this is the great love that the Palmarian Catholic Church has for the Most Holy Virgin Mary— a love that the faithful embrace following the example of the Church. Here, in the Holy Palmarian Church, we intensely love Mary, Mother of God and our Mother. There are some ignorant people who think that we love Our Lady more than God. How confused they are! We love God above all things, and after Him, Most Holy Mary for being the Mother of God, Queen of…
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28th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Welcome back to the website of the Holy Palmarian Church. In order that our website be of greater benefit to your soul, carefully study the Palmarian publications, which will lead you to attain peace and wisdom. The Holy Ghost, God of love, is urging souls to read our publications in order to find out the Truth — the infallible Truth that the Palmarian Church is the true Church of Christ. The greatest sign that this website is from God is the interior peace that you will feel from reading its publications.  Right now there are some beautiful videos of the Palmarian Church published on YouTube. People can leave comments if they wish, and we are very thankful to those who regularly send nice comments about our videos. May God repay…
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27th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

It is always a great joy for us to see increasing numbers of people getting to know the True Church of Christ through this website. The great mystery of the transfer of the Church of Christ from Rome to El Palmar de Troya is still unknown to the vast majority of the world. Despite our efforts to spread the true Faith of Christ, we are still at the beginning of the apostolate. We have not yet fired up the big engines that will carry out an immense apostolate throughout the world. It can be said that we are only working on the preparations for this. We are preparing the way for the action of the Apostle of the Apostles, Jesus Christ. He prepares everything very well before acting. He sent…
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26th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

This website has an especially important mission. One part of its objective is to give people an opportunity to read information that is reliable. Although the radio and television, etc., report news that can help understand a situation, nevertheless when it comes to providing information on the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church, they always seem to mess up that information. Some parts are true, but many other parts of the information are a long way from reality.Because of the recent outbreak of COVID-19 in the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, a lot of publicity has once again been given to the Palmarian Church. There have been lots of programs on television, news broadcasts on radio, on the internet etc. All this publicity generates interest in…
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