75th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana

75th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

We are now in the season of Holy Lent, which means that Holy Week is approaching. Few people realize that Palmarian Holy Week is what most pleases God and the Most Holy Virgin Mary the most. Holy Week in El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain is the most glorious of all because everything that is done externally is spiritually united to the Mystical Body of Christ. The Church was born of the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary on Calvary. That is to say, at that moment the Mystical Body of Christ was born. All members of the Palmarian Catholic Church form the Mystical Body of Christ. Therefore, no matter how beautiful processional floats are outside the Palmarian Catholic Church, and no matter how much prayer or how many sacrifices, they will never glorify God because these processions do not represent Christ Crucified. And not only do they not represent Christ, they are abominable before God the Creator.

     It is not an exaggeration to use the word abomination because the world today has become very pagan. To carry in procession an image of Christ Crucified or of Christ carrying the Cross, or to bear an image of the Virgin of Sorrows through the streets in the presence of scandalously dressed people is repugnant to the Eternal Father. Our Creator, when watching these processions, is not filled with glory but with repugnance on seeing how humanity has so little respect for His Divine Son Jesus and His Divine Daughter Mary. You cannot even compare a procession that takes place in the Palmarian Catholic Church with one outside of it. God the Father pours out His blessings on humanity not because of the thousands and thousands of people present in the processions in the streets of Spain and other countries. But rather His blessings fall upon humanity because of the processions that take place in El Palmar de Troya. On the 30th of July 1982, Pope Saint Gregory XVII removed the sacred character of all relics, images, objects of worship, altars, etc., of apostate, heretical and schismatic churches. Even though only a few people attend the processions of Palmarian Holy Week compared to those of the Roman Church, these few people draw down an enormous amount of graces and blessings on Earth. God, through Palmarian Catholic Action, will launch an intense apostolate, more than ever during this Holy Week, and millions of people will see what pleases God the Creator. God, through the miraculous Virgin Mary, whom the members of the Palmarian Church love with all their hearts, will provide very special help for the True Church of Christ to be seen by a great multitude of people.

     Here is a real mystery! The True Church lives as though despised and hidden in a poor place with a small number of faithful, and yet the world with all its hatred and misinformation cannot extinguish the fire of the Holy Ghost that shows this most beloved Church of God to millions and millions of people. Look how the fires in California spread with devastating speed and consumed the houses of the rich without mercy. That fire could have been quickly extinguished with a heavy rain, but it did not rain in time for the houses of so many wealthy people to turn to ashes. In this terrible punishment from God, the manifestation of the power of an Almighty God was clearly seen. There was a case of a house that burned down and the only thing that survived was an image of the Guardian Angel. This is how God shows that He exists and has all power over nature, and He shows it clearly as in the case of the Guardian Angel image. Also, in the midst of many houses burned to ashes, a church remained untouched by the devastating fire. Similar miracles happened when the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan during World War II. There were priests praying the Holy Rosary, and while everything around them was destroyed, nothing happened to them. Not even their health was affected afterwards when doctors thought they would suffer terrible side effects.

     Turning back to Palmarian Holy Week, there you will see how the Holy Ghost will show a multitude of people from all parts of the earth the great work of the Palmarian Catholic Church in El Palmar de Troya. When the Holy Ghost moves, get out of the way because nothing and no one will be able to prevent what comes from His powerful intervention. Through Palmarian Holy Week, the world will be blessed and many catastrophic punishments that would have occurred will not happen because the Palmarian Church will have obtained the mercy of God. However, because of the apostasy of the Roman Church, there will be terrible consequences. It is normal that the members of the roman church want to think well of their church and want to believe that everything continues as it always has. Until 1978, it was the True Church of Christ, and that year Christ Himself, by direct intervention, chose a Pope who had been prepared for a period of about 9 years. In 1969, Clemente Domínguez y Gómez began to receive visions and messages from Heaven. In 1975, the Religious Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face in Company of Jesus and Mary was founded. Thirty months later, Saint Paul VI died and Christ intervened directly by choosing and crowning Clemente Domínguez y Gómez as Pope, who at that time was called Father Ferdinand in the Order.

     Now the question everyone asks: how can we know that Christ really chose Father Ferdinand as Pope? Well, because of the many miracles that happened in El Palmar de Troya in those times, and the many miracles that continue to happen in the Palmarian Catholic Church today. It is a miracle that the Palmarian Church exists despite so many people persecuting it. But because the Holy Ghost is the driving force behind the Popes of the Palmarian Church and encourages all Her members to defend it and collaborate with it, the Palmarian Church is invincible.

     We have wonderful news for our followers, which is that the Palmarian Church has received a good number of new faithful in the African country of Congo Kinshasa. Thanks to the great work of our missionaries in this country and their collaborators, there is already a good representation of the True Church of Christ in Congo Kinshasa. There are many people around the world who want to be with the True Pope, but they are not always willing to sacrifice enough to be able to enter the Palmarian Catholic Church. At the moment we are observing a good number of interested people to see if they will take the Cross of Christ upon their shoulders and convert to the Palmarian Church. The Gospel explains what the Cross of Christ is: “Come to Me all you who are weary and are burdened, and I will relieve you. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, who am meek and humble of heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is sweet and My burden light.” Truly souls are weary and burdened with so much immorality and perversity that exists in the world. The non-Palmarian churches have nothing to offer because they are empty within. They cannot give what they do not have. They cannot give Christ to souls because they do not have the Eucharist, they cannot give the life of Grace. They cannot baptize people because the non-Palmarian churches are in apostasy, the true Faith has been abandoned. The True Pope His Holiness Pope Peter III awaits with open arms all those who want to follow Christ and submit to the Holy Laws of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church.

     We are improving our website all the time so that souls have a reliable place to learn the truth about the Palmarian Catholic Church. As you can see from our website, you can come to the Holy Week processions as long as you come in accordance with our norms. We allow filming and taking pictures, no problem. Last July, a visitor named Jose Manuel Naranjo came and we let him film as much as he wanted. Then afterwards in a YouTube video, he told a bunch of lies about the Palmarian Church as if he were an expert on our Holy Church. Our response to his lies is very simple: don’t come here again. If someone who knows him reads this report, please be kind enough to tell him that he can no longer enter our premise – neither he nor his friend who gave him a slot on his YouTube programme to lie and disparage the Palmarian Church.