Palmarian Holy Year 2025 has now begun and the trumpets of the angels are announcing the victory of Christ the King. The mysterious and glorious triumph of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church is drawing nearer every day. The signs are clearly visible. The world is in chaos, wars continue, contagious diseases continue to afflict populations. The apostolate of the Holy Palmarian Church continues with great success. The Great Apocalyptic Sign, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, will soon make known that the Palmarian Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ. The apostolate of our Church has already made known the Great Work of the translation of the See of the Catholic Church from Rome to El Palmar de Troya. We do not need to attack the roman church to show that it is an apostate church. There is no need to say anything. The Vatican publishes its scandalous events on the Internet and people’s consciences know full well that what they are seeing are abominable sins in the eyes of God. The antipope himself is shown laughing at indecent and disgusting spectacles.
Rome has lost the faith. The Catholic faith is now clearly found in the Sacred Place of Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya, Spain – the new Apostolic See of the Catholic Church since 1978. Now is the time to recognize the True Pope, His Holiness Pope Peter III, the fourth Pope since the Papacy began in El Palmar de Troya. Examine the behavior of the two Popes who have followers who support them as the True Pope. Bergoglio is acclaimed by the masses, the great apostle of the roman church who has no scruples about watching and participating in scandalous events; and on the other hand, we have Pope Peter III who constantly preaches the example of the religious life. A life of prayer and penance. Pope Peter III is a religious with strict rules. Early in the morning he prays the Holy Way of the Cross and begins praying the Holy Penitential Rosary before going to the Altar to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. After his Holy Masses he finishes the Holy Penitential Rosary. Such is the life of the true Pope every day of the year. Every evening, without fail, he celebrates two more turns of Holy Masses, because the Mass is the principal prayer of the Church. The Holy Mass is the renewal of the Sacrifice of Calvary, the great sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus and of our Co-Saviour, the Most Holy Virgin Mary. That is why the Palmarian Catholic Church perseveres despite all the efforts of the devil and the Church’s enemies to destroy her: because of the many Masses that are celebrated in the Holy Palmarian See, in El Palmar de Troya, Spain.
The missionaries of the Palmarian Church also celebrate many Masses in different parts of the world. In spite of the the tremendous heat in certain countries, Holy Masses never cease to be celebrated. For the Palmarian Church, the Holy Mass is a very important pillar for the sanctification of the Church and the salvation of countless souls every day. A Palmarian bishop can be at the Altar for 3, 4, 5 or 6 hours to give glory to God, to make adoration and reparation, and to do incalculable good to save souls and benefit the world in a thousand different ways. The spiritual strength of the Palmarian Catholic Church comes from these Holy Masses. The spiritual strength of the Palmarian faithful also comes from these Holy Masses, even in the case of those who cannot attend many of them. The wonderful Doctrine of the Palmarian Church teaches that the faithful benefit from all the Holy Masses celebrated in the Church. Logically, there is a great obligation to attend as many Masses as possible, because if you stay at home instead of going to Mass, you have lost the opportunity to approach the Altar – for when Mass is celebrated, the Altar is Calvary itself renewed in an unbloody way.
All those who are not members of the Holy Palmarian Church do not consider the fact that outside this Holy Church there is no possibility whatsoever of being present at a true Mass. How many priests and bishops write to us asking to be admitted into the Palmarian Church! Of course, they know that the Palmarian Church is the True Church of Christ and that the True Pope is His Holiness Pope Peter III. However, they want to enter the Palmarian Church as priests and bishops, but since their ordinations are invalid we cannot accept them as priests and bishops. First they have to become faithful of the Church and then ask permission to enter the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face and prepare for the priesthood. The abominable thing is that they do not want to do this, and instead prefer to continue committing idolatry by doing their pseudo-masses. It is an act of idolatry to worship a piece of bread, because if they are not validly ordained priests and recognized members of the Palmarian Catholic Church, they do not have the power to consecrate the bread and wine. Apart from the fact that they are not validly ordained priests, they are also not doctrinally prepared to be Palmarian priests. The Palmarian Catholic Church has greatly perfected Catholic doctrine. It is now richer, clearer and easier to understand. Priests outside the Palmarian Church have no idea of the doctrinal richness they will have to learn to become a good priest. The formation of a Palmarian Priest is not in long years of study but in a virtuous life of much prayer and penance. Of course, one must study, but first of all there is prayer to achieve spiritual union with Jesus and Mary. From that union is born the life of wisdom to be a holy and wise priest. The direct illumination of the Holy Ghost comes to humble souls who live in union with Jesus and Mary Most Holy.
In many cases, the Palmarian faithful are much wiser than priests outside the Palmarian Church who have studied for many years. And for the same reasons: they live a life of much prayer and penance. They achieve a very desirable union with Christ and Mary and are enlightened by the Holy Ghost to act with wisdom. The wisdom of the Palmarian faithful is reflected, for example, in the behavior of the Palmarian children. Even small children understand spiritual matters that would astonish the world.
We continuously work to make our apostolate more successful. We will look for ways to better teach the Palmarian Catholic doctrine. With the help of the Holy Ghost, we will continue to reach more and more people with our videos, and the truths they see will move them to investigate further. That is why we have the Church website with many well-crafted publications. The website is our main instrument of apostolate because it has the main books necessary to reach the conclusion that the Palmarian Church is the True Church. Here everyone can read the Palmarian Catechism, the Palmarian Creed, the extracts from the Palmarian Bible, the messages from Heaven given in El Palmar de Troya, and much more. We are continually embellishing the website and increasing the number of publications. And we will continue working on the Palmariana mobile app, which once published will be a great tool to learn about the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary. Christ never said that the See of the Church would always be in Rome; He said that He would be with His Church until the end of time. Yes, Christ with His Church, but now in El Palmar de Troya, Spain.
We have great news to share that our apostolate in French is now more fruitful than ever. It was very slow for a long time but now it is more organized and Palmarian Catholic Action has several apostles working intensely to reach more people. One video in French already has over a million views. The English apostolate has also improved greatly. Portuguese is improving as well. We have a much more organized Italian apostolate with abundant fruits. So the Palmarian Church does not sleep, she does not sit idly by. The Palmarian faithful are God’s instruments to make the True Church with the authentic Catholic doctrine known to the world. Although the True Church is widely rejected by many people, when the time comes for the great miracles, the queues to enter the Church will be very long.
In reality the Palmarian Catholic Church experiences many miracles continuously, miracles that those who are living in union with Jesus and Mary can see. Others will not see these miracles because they do not have the light. God gives special lights to those who love Him most so that they can understand His way of working. The greatest joy that the faithful of the Church have is to see the intervention of God, the Most Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph in the Church. We continually see that those who place their trust in God enjoy special protection from Him and from all of Heaven. When Jesus taught the people, He usually illustrated His doctrine with parables, which were sometimes very difficult to understand given the pride and bad dispositions of many people. He does the same today with the Palmarian Church. Because of the pride and bad dispositions of many people, they do not understand that the Palmarian Church is the True Church, even though the antipope is making a mockery of the papacy in Rome. Those who do not understand should ask the Holy Ghost for light and counsel. Humble prayer penetrates the clouds and reaches Heaven.