73rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana

73rd Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

It appears that the Palmarian Catholic Church is among the smallest churches in the world. It seems that very few are interested in it and that the Palmarian Church has no future. Appearances can be deceiving, for the Palmarian Church is the last bastion of Catholicism. Rome has lost the Faith. What proof is there of this? Let us take Ireland as an example, a country that was almost entirely Catholic in the past. Fifty years ago, there were very few people in Ireland who were not Catholic. And what about now? There are only a few Palmarian Catholics left who hold up the banner of Christ. All the rest are excommunicated. And how does a Catholic become excommunicated? For having entered non-Catholic churches, for having been present at non-Catholic worship. And now you are going to say that the Popes in Rome have done it. No, because True Popes do not enter non-Catholic churches.

     Antipope John Paul II is venerated as a saint by the roman church, when he was not a saint at all. Saints do not participate in diabolical worship. All worship that is not directed to God is directed to the devil, even if indirectly. Either with Christ or against Him. Let us not follow those who have proven quite clearly that they are anti-Catholic. Returning to the subject of Ireland, there is no doubt that it is now a rather atheist and apostate country. A Catholic country will not have either abortion or divorce at all. It must be considered that all those who have voted for divorce and abortion have fallen into excommunication to the Pope. And the True Pope is in El Palmar de Troya. Therefore, only the Pope in El Palmar de Troya can lift these excommunications. In many countries abortion was introduced by the governments, but in Ireland, unfortunately, it was introduced by the will of the people, because they voted yes to that murderous abortion law.

     Woe to you who allow your children to attend sex education classes! There children learn what they do not need to know at a young age and, out of curiosity, go on to do what they should not. They then abort the children they conceive. In his document on abortion, available on our website, the Supreme Palmarian Pontiff said: “Children receive a satanic sexual education at school, but not to help them to become pure and chaste. Quite the contrary, the diabolical teaching they receive is to degrade them, to destroy children’s innocence.” Children are sent to school to learn what they need for life, not to be corrupted as is happening to them in schools. Parents who want to take care of their children should remove them from sex education classes.

     Why are there sex education classes? The reason is because the devil exists and his power is continually growing due to the lack of faithful in the True Church. Because of its apostasy, Rome is no longer an enemy of the devil, but an instrument to destroy little by little the morality that man must practice to please God. Pope Saint Paul VI (June 19, 1963 to August 6, 1978) said: “The Devil is the number one enemy, he is the tempter par excellence. We know that this dark and disturbing being really exists and continues to act; He is the one who sophistically insinuates himself into the moral balance of man, the perfidious charmer who knows how to insinuate himself into us by means of the senses, of fantasy, of concupiscence, of utopian logic, or of confused social actions, in order to introduce deviation into us…” A year before his death, Saint Paul VI returned to this theme in another general audience: “We should not be surprised that our society is deteriorating, nor that Scripture warns us so crudely that “the whole world (in the pejorative sense of the term) lies under the power of the evil one”, of the one whom Scripture itself calls “the prince of this world”.

     Antipope Francis of Rome will continue to open the doors for those who live irregularly, so that everyone accepts living permanently in a repugnant state of mortal sin as normal. Bergoglio is a precursor of antichrist, preparing the way for a liberal world, a world without Catholic values. That is why the Palmarian Catholic Church will be hated more than ever by the masses, because our Catholic Faith does not change. What was a mortal sin five centuries ago or one century ago is still a mortal sin. The Commandments of the Law of God cannot be changed. The Sixth Commandment is “do not commit acts of impurity”. No Pope or Council can change this law. It is the law of Christ. It cannot be touched. It is obligatory to die before sinning. All those who are divorced and remarried live in mortal sin and there is no one who can change this law. Worse are the teachers in schools who show children photos and videos that take away their innocence. You have to be brave and refuse to collaborate with these aberrations. If you are dismissed from your job, it is better than ending up in Hell or having a very long and hard Purgatory. Special punishments await those who teach children pornography and sexual orientation; and parents will pay dearly for allowing their children to participate in these classes. The millstones of which the Lord spoke in the Gospel await them.

     Another important theme for our apostolate is to encourage members of the roman church to reflect on the satanic worship permitted in roman churches. Dances of people who present themselves as natives, often without proper clothing, worshipping their gods, etc. Have the prelates of the roman church gone mad? Have they completely lost the notion of Catholicism? Their churches are like theatres. They want to please everyone so much that they allow any anti-Catholic act in their churches. Please, it is time to realise that Rome has lost the Faith. We do not have to prove this. You see it when you go to the churches. And those of you who are older and have seen how the churches were in the past, how can you believe that God wanted such a radical change? Have the Popes been wrong for nearly 2000 years, when none of this was permitted? The Pope is His Holiness Peter III. The True Church is the Palmarian Catholic Church. How much more proof do you need? You are seeing the devil triumphant in the roman church. Get out of there and enter the Palmarian Catholic Church. By doing so, you are assured of eternal salvation.

     Do not believe that salvation is so easily obtained. To save your soul you must love God above all things. If you do not have that love, when you die you will not want to go to Heaven, rather you will want to go to Hell. If we do not defend Catholic values in this life, there is no preparation for going to Heaven. Sin is the preparation for going to hell and virtue is the preparation for going to Heaven. Have courage and do not accept anything that offends God. There is no one who can change the law that forbids committing impure acts, or worse, teaching them. God made the law and demands the perfect fulfillment of it on pain of eternal damnation. Take the Rosary into your hands and pray. Pray the Rosary with love and devotion so that the peace of God may enter your souls and you will be able to act according to the laws that God has given us through Moses. Watch what happens to your children in school. Do not trust anyone, including teachers. Ask your children what they are being taught in class. Be protective of your children and do not give them over to the devil, allowing them to learn what they should not know.

     His Holiness Pope Peter III has proclaimed the following: “We, with inexpressible joy, proclaim the coming year 2025, ‘Glorious Palmarian Holy Year for the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face,’ given that the 23rd of December that year is the Fiftieth Anniversary or Golden Jubilee of the Foundation of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face in the Company of Jesus and Mary and also given that the 2nd of February 2025 is eleven lustrums or the 55th Anniversary of the Enthronement of the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Sacred Place of the Lentisco of El Palmar de Troya.”

     What greatness, that of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face! The Order called to prepare the Second Coming of Christ in Glory! How many doctrinal and apostolic advances have been achieved in these last 50 years? And what a great mission awaits us until that Second Coming, when the time of sin will end! The mission of making reparation to that Holy Face so outraged by the treatment received from humanity, and which continues to be terribly outraged in today’s world! And at the same time, the Holy Face reflects the treatment received by our Most Holy Mother the Virgin Mary, who suffered spiritually everything that the Lord suffered. That is why the great mission of the Carmelites of the Holy Face is to wipe this Holy Face and at the same time to make reparation to and console the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

     Now is the hour of Mary. Here is Our Lord speaking in the Messages of  Palmar: “Here is the sublime work of the Carmelites of the Holy Face:… The first to open the religious way of life, and the last to close it, and go out to My encounter in My Second Coming to Earth to establish the Messianic Kingdom of peace… And so My Mother ties My hands, I can do nothing, because She gives the orders. She truly reigns. She demonstrated that at the Wedding in Cana and demonstrates it continually, and will demonstrate it better still in the future. Then you will see that it is She who rules. I can do practically nothing; She has tied My hands. I can do nothing! Naturally because the Eternal Father so wishes, and because the Holy Spirit so disposes, and because I so choose. Do you see clearly that She it is who reigns? So then, turn to Her! Turn to Her! And thus I will be benevolent with you. For I deny nothing to My Mother.

     Happy New Year to all of you who love and hope in Mary!