70th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana

70th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

How wonderful is our mission of making the Work of Palmar known to whoever wishes to know about it. How happy the Lord and the Most Holy Virgin Mary are with those who carry out the apostolate of the Truth! But the labourers are few and the harvest is great. Remember the Lord’s parable of the wedding guests:

     “When it was time for the dinner he sent out one of his servants to tell the guests to come, since everything was ready; and all as one began to make excuses… The servant returned and gave an account of everything to his master. Angered, the master then said to his servant, ‘Go out into the streets and squares of the city and bring me here all the poor and crippled and blind and lame that you can find.’”… And Christ even called the dead, those whom He had raised to life: Lazarus, later Bishop of Marseille; Martial, the son of the widow of Naim, whom He had raised to life on meeting his funeral cortège on the road, later Bishop of Limoges; the daughter of Jairus, called Salome, from Capharnaum, later a Nun. Also the crippled, for example the paralytic of the Pool of Bethesda, called Elpidius, later Bishop of Toledo.

     At the end the Lord adds: “For I tell you that none of those men who were the first to be invited shall partake of my banquet.” This is something we must take very much into account: the need to respond to the graces that invite us to take part. This is a serious matter!

     And now for a more recent topic:

     There is news that a statue of Saint Peter I the Very Great on the façade of a church in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was struck by lightning in a storm, which left the image damaged. The lightening completely burned the two keys which depictions of Saint Peter always have, destroyed the halo, and shattered the right hand which is the hand used to give blessings. This coincided with the eve of the birthday of antipope Francis, and happened on the very day on which he authorized in a document the blessing of homosexual couples. Thus Argentina has been graced with this sign which firstly manifests that he who pretends to be Saint Peter’s successor in Rome, and who has blessed people in favour of this obscene nonsense of homosexual marriage, has no keys of any kind to open or close anything, and therefore is not what he pretends to be. And secondly, that God has thus manifested His anger at so many governments that delight in rallying around this repugnant and utter nonsense.

     ¿Who am I to judge? This phrase has gone around the world and has been highly praised as a solution to grave moral problems. Of course! A Christian should not judge any person inside or outside the Church. This is what Our Lord Jesus Christ command us in the Gospel: “Do not judge and you will not be judged.” If we see God’s Law being broken, we should pray for the people we believe to be responsible, that they repent, be converted and be forgiven, if not in this life, at least at their particular judgement, and that they be saved, become saints and gain a higher place in Heaven than ourselves.

     But at the same time we have the unavoidable duty to detest the sin that has been committed, because it is an offence against God, an infinite offence against the One who is infinitely pure, and who desires more than we can imagine that souls be saved and not eternally, irremediably ruined. And at the same time we must make reparation for the harm that sin produces, in souls, in society, in nature, upsetting the order established by God in the Universe. Not forgetting that our Holy Masses, those celebrated in the true Church, the Palmarian, restore the universe, restore people, and restore society as long as there is response to grace. In addition, each one with his good works and his life of virtue also restores the universe corrupted by the sins of mankind, including our own. All Palmarians, by our Palmarian life, are restoring the universe to repair the disorder being produced by anti-Christian governments.

     Therefore, we can in no way praise the sin that is committed, nor maintain an ambiguous attitude towards it, but deplore it interiorly, and exteriorly when possible. We can never approve of a sin, nor bless it, nor write documents authorizing a sin, and still less bless a situation in which it is committed habitually, as in concubinage; and if anyone gives approval or ‘blessing’ or assistance in any way, facilitating the means to commit it, he becomes guilty of the same offence, and if it is an offence which “cries out to heaven”, the guilt is on another scale of gravity. And when the person so acting holds authority, however false, the harm produced is incalculable, and the person must be considered dangerous to himself and dangerous to society, and in great need of our prayers.

     Syncretism. This word comes from the Mediterranean island of Crete, where the different cities, often at war with each other, united together against a common enemy, as the prefix ‘syn-’ means ‘to unite’.

     Outside the Catholic Church, this word has come to be applied to the different sects, almost always contemptuous of each other, when they unite for a particular purpose, for example in the ecumenical movement today which seeks to unite all religions into one for all mankind, with the very likely idea of demolishing the True Catholic Church. But the True Catholic Church is no longer in Rome, so they can continue to demolish Rome all they want, it doesn’t matter!

     What is new today is the involvement of the roman church, which has been apostate for nearly fifty years, and whose antipopes have been the greatest propagators of modern syncretism.

     And now there is a syncretist leader, in Rome, who is the antipope himself, who acts as principal officiant at all the ceremonies of all the religions who admit him, with the aim of forming one single religion.

     The last few antipopes in Rome, above all John Paul II and the present Francis, have been the fathers of modern syncretism. They have openly proclaimed, before the roman faithful themselves and before the hierarchs and proselytes of other religious sects, that eternal salvation is the patrimony of any of the existing religions, which are all “ways to reach Heaven”!

     However, the integrity of the Faith is a doctrine defined by the Church. The Creed of Saint Athanasius: “Whoever wishes to be saved must first keep the Catholic Faith whole and inviolate, without which he will be eternally lost.” Numerous Councils and Papal decisions have reiterated this Dogma (Council of Florence (1438-1445), Profession of Faith of Saint Pius IV the Great (1560), the Syllabus of Saint Pius IX the Great (1864); the Vatican Council “De Fide” of the year 1870, etc.)

     It has been the constant practice of the Catholic Church to condemn heresies as soon as they appear, with all vigour, to protect us from every error which might sully our Faith. How many struggles to safeguard the smallest article of our Faith in the course of the centuries! In recent centuries the Popes have condemned rationalism, the mortal enemy of faith and morals, and the basis of all its fruits, which are: Americanism, socialism, secularism, communism, liberalism, modernism, etc. The Popes in Palmar have also condemned democracy, progressivism, and evolutionism, and raised doctrine and morals to a very high level. Tell us then, those of you who belong to sects and other religions, how can you receive Christ and Mary into your hearts through the Holy Sacraments if you do not accept the Doctrine and morals taught by the Palmarian Christian Church?

     So then, how is it possible for someone who dies outside the Church to be saved?

     Thanks to the magisterial teachings of Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, the Palmarian Councils clarify that Particular Judgement is the “mysterious and merciful last opportunity for salvation, given by Christ to each human being at the hour of death,” so as “to give the opportunity of salvation to whoever reaches clinical death in mortal sin,” in which whoever accepts the discourse of the Divine Mary self-determines his own salvation, his sins are forgiven, he becomes a member of the Church, and thus will receive the salvific sentence pronounced by the Lord.

     The Work of Redemption is indeed very powerful and efficacious, and the Most Holy Virgin Mary, as Mother of Mankind, does everything possible for every soul to be saved, and hence the great majority of those who die choose eternal happiness. Yet the Palmarian Councils define that there are thousands of millions who have chosen Hell. Palmarian Doctrine on the Particular Judgement is extensive, here we present only an outline.

     Vocations! Aspire to the highest dignity which a man or a woman can attain!