68th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana

68th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Millions of people are learning about the True Catholic Church on the internet. One Palmarian Catholic TikTok account reached 22 million views over the last year and another account received 16 million views. This gives you an idea of how the Palmarian Church is spreading the true Faith.

Despite so many negative comments, our posts still attract a large number of viewers and many come back again and again. Without them realizing it, the Holy Ghost is drawing people to the Palmarian Church. Perhaps the first time they see Palmarian posts they reject them, because these posts are so opposed to today’s world, but God works in mysterious ways and what they have learned about the Palmarian Church will stick in their minds.

However, the Church’s main purpose is not to make itself known. The purpose of the Church is to convert souls to be soldiers of Christ against the ruthless fight to destroy everything to do with God. The publications of the Palmarian Church are a call to all mankind to prayer and penance. Huge crowds followed Our Lord Jesus Christ, listening to His wonderful teachings and admiring His amazing miracles. The Gospel says: “So many of the people believed in Him and said: ‘This is the Christ; for who can come and perform more miracles than the ones He does?’ ” And also: “He is truly the Prophet, the Messias we are awaiting.’ And others said: ‘He is the Christ.’ ”  But they did not do penance. And for this reason, their faith did not grow and in the face of the Pharisees’ propaganda against Jesus, little by little they lost the faith they had in Him until they became cold and indifferent. And Jesus lamented over them saying: “However, if you do not do penance, you will all likewise perish.” And the destruction of the nation of Israel occurred thirty-seven years later when the Roman army wiped it off the face of the earth.

Learning of the existence of the Palmarian Catholic Church, people are now ready for the next step which is to investigate it. Once people study the True Church, they are ready to be converted, once they feel the divine fire calling them to the true Faith. They start doing prayer and penance with the means they have at hand. Then they learn to pray the Holy Penitential Rosary, and they begin to feel the delights of the Sacred Hearts inviting them to greater devotion.

The signs of the fall of Rome are becoming increasingly clear. As a relief from the natural revulsion people feel when they contemplate anti-worship – no Sacraments, no true Doctrine, no valid Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – the ministers present all sorts of distractions to their followers. Meanwhile, the Palmarian Church concentrates more and more on prayer and penance, which is the basis of perseverance, the basis of the apostolate, the basis of a life of supernatural virtue. Also in El Palmar there is Eucharistic Worship, Eucharistic Processions and Blessings with the Blessed Sacrament, all very necessary to keep the devotion to the Eucharist alive. There are Scapulars, which is the Scapular of Carmel now perfected with the Holy Face of Jesus, with the Sacred Hearts and with Most Holy Joseph, with all the promises given by the Most Holy Virgin. There is the Miraculous Water of the Well of the Virgin in El Palmar.

The signs of the fall of the roman catholic church are becoming more manifest by the day. Many live in the hope that Rome will improve. They hope that this period of ungodly behavior in the churches is something that will pass. However, this is not the case. The apple had become so rotten that it had to be removed. So Jesus took some souls faithful to the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and placed them together in the Sacred Place of Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya. This was so those generous souls would prevent the Holy Catholic Church from collapsing completely and would be ready to accept the Pope directly chosen by Jesus once Pope Paul VI died on the 6th of August, 1978.

We are on the way to a great event, which will happen when Our Lady sees that we are sufficiently prepared, so that there will be abundant fruits of such an important grace. It may be that the Great Miracle of the Apparition of the Most Holy Virgin Mary over the Cathedral of El Palmar, on the Mount of Christ the King, is not so far away. Today, there is a large statue of Christ the King over the Cathedral of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar which can be seen from far away.

People may say that they will join the Palmarian Catholic Church after the Great Miracle which is a nice thought. However, only those who join before can be candidates to receive the greatest of all graces ,which is confirmation in Grace. Confirmation in Grace is to never be able to sin ever again. What peace of soul this would bring to know that Heaven is assured and that not even the worst possible temptations can cause those confirmed in Grace to sin ever again. Not all Palmarians will be confirmed in Grace, but many will be.

Therefore, the path ahead is clear. The Church longs for the Apparition of Our Lady over the Cathedral of El Palmar de Troya in the south of Spain. The enemies of the Church are preparing more blasphemous publications to destroy the image of the Church, but we trust in divine protection. The more publicity they give us the better. Even if they convince almost everyone that El Palmar is the work of the devil and that we are all evil, it will be of no avail when the great Mother of God appears over the Palmarian Cathedral and crushes all lies with Her immense power, thus confirming that here is the Church of Christ the King.

As we are expecting a new wave of bad publicity from the enemies of the Palmarian Catholic Church, we are also preparing publications that will disarm our enemies. You cannot make everyone believe lies and slander. It simply does not convince everyone. So what can people do to find out which church is the True Church of Jesus Christ? It is simple: ask Jesus. “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; whoever seeks, finds; and to whoever knocks, it shall be opened.” These are the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ spoken almost 2,000 years ago. Our interesting and beautifully designed website has all the information needed to explain the Palmarian Catholic Doctrine, which is the traditional Catholic doctrine enriched by the Palmarian Holy Councils. Once you read the Palmarian Creed, you will know that the Palmarian Church is definitely faithful to traditional Catholic teachings.

The Palmarian Catholic Church is spreading around the world with new interest in many countries. Although the True Church of Jesus Christ, the Palmarian Catholic Church, has Chapels in 20 countries, there are many other countries that desire our presence there. We ask those who are interested in having the Palmarian Church in their countries to form prayer groups. This can be done either in homes or even praying together using WhatsApp or something similar. To go to any country, our missionaries have to see that there is genuine interest in these countries and this interest is manifested when people pray the Holy Penitential Rosary together. The Holy Penitential Rosary makes us stronger spiritually and our faith grows powerfully by praying it every day. The second thing we would ask is that those who are really interested in the Church dress according to the Palmarian Christian dress norms. If people pray to God and His Holy Mother, the prayers will be more effective if they do so dressed as Christians and not as pagans. Also, it is very important to wear the Holy Scapular of El Palmar. Remember that Our Lady said that one day She would save the world with the Rosary and the Scapular. One of the very positive signs that we see in the Palmarian Catholic Church is the great number of vocations of those who hope to join our Religious Order, the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face. This special call of Jesus must be heard and everyone who feels called must strive for his or her vocation. One must earn it. One cannot expect to be handed everything on a silver plate. The devil will work against those who wish to sacrifice their lives for the salvation of souls. There is nothing greater that one can do than to leave everything and follow Jesus. There is no greater satisfaction in life than that inner feeling of belonging only to God and serving the Blessed Virgin Mary as Her slave through the vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience. It is the way of holiness, of giving up everything to save many, many souls who cannot or will not help themselves. Life goes by very quickly and those who die having served God with a religious vocation have a better chance of going directly to Heaven. But all those who serve God in the world can also go directly to Heaven, with the grace of God and their own efforts.