The great feast of Most Holy Crowned Saint Joseph of Palmar is approaching. The statue of Most Holy Joseph was made especially for the Holy Palmarian Church in 1983. On January 1, 1984, this image was most solemnly crowned by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Great, along with the then Most Reverend Father Isidore Maria, later Pope Saint Peter II the Great, and with the then Reverend Father Elias Maria of the Holy Face, later Saint Elias Maria of the Holy Face. These three fondly remembered figures in the Palmarian Church who performed the coronation later gained their own crowns by receiving the titles of Saints, given to them by the Holy Church of God.
The feast of Most Holy Crowned Saint Joseph of Palmar will be celebrated on the 19th of March. Let us remember that Saint Joseph died of love in the arms of Jesus and Mary on Sunday, the 19th of March 5228, at the age of fifty-five years and eight months. What we are going to discuss now is a matter of sublime importance. It is so important that it can be considered the key to gain access to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. If Mary is the way to Jesus, Saint Joseph is the way to Mary, and through Mary to Jesus. How does one achieve union with Saint Joseph in order to have this key capable of accessing and delighting the Sacred Hearts? The answer is to become a slave of Saint Joseph. This slavery will free you from all worries and you will live without the heavy cross of thinking about the future, about what will or will not happen, and about bad things that may or may not come. It is all summed up in the following words: trust in Saint Joseph. Once this absolute trust in the great Protector of the Church is achieved, you will be able to live without worries. You will quickly climb the steps of the spiritual life and rejoice in the love of God, in the love that emanates from the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
That love is God the Holy Ghost, the only Divine Love, the Love that emanates from Christ and Mary. The Holy Ghost moves us to love and trust in Most Holy Joseph. It is not simply a good idea that comes to us because we are intelligent: confidence in Saint Joseph comes from within us, inspired by the Holy Ghost. Therefore, it is essential to listen to the voice of God when He is inspiring you to trust in Most Holy Joseph. Once you have discovered and learned true devotion to Saint Joseph, you will have found a treasure never to be lost.
On our website we have a prayer book containing the Holy Josephine Rosary: Palmarian Library This Rosary was composed by Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great. Many Palmarian faithful pray it every day. It can be said that Saint Joseph is now known and loved more than at any other time in the history of the Church.
Here is the list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits to our website in the last year. Countries that have gained or lost positions are highlighted.
1. | Colombia | 11. | United States | 21. | Bolivia |
2. | Argentina | 12. | The Philippines | 22. | Italy |
3. | Mexico | 13. | Uganda | 23. | Vietnam |
4. | Brazil | 14. | Indonesia | 24. | Egypt |
5. | Nigeria | 15. | Ukraine | 25. | Algeria |
6. | Dominican Republic | 16. | Kenya | 26. | Congo -Kinshasa |
7. | Peru | 17. | Ecuador | 27. | Guatemala |
8. | India | 18. | Turkey | 28. | Nepal |
9. | Venezuela | 19. | Germany | 29. | Tanzania |
10. | Spain | 20. | China | 30. | Poland |
As those who wish to destroy the Palmarian Catholic Church are working with greater intensity, Palmarian Catholic Action is also working with redoubled determination. On our Facebook pages there are many recent posts. It is very interesting to follow these pages in Spanish, English, German, Portuguese, French and Italian. Also in English, the Palmarian Church USA page is very interesting to follow. And the Portuguese page has a new director who is doing a good job. Be very careful with internet sites that speak falsely about the Palmarian Catholic Church. Unfortunately, a former Palmarian bishop has a website that works against our Holy Church. It was discovered that this Bishop who was expelled from the Palmarian Church gave very bad example to the faithful and is now dedicated to defaming the True Church. So many people like to make videos and documentaries to damage the Palmarian Church by showing parts of videos officially published by the Palmarian Church. Let everyone know that we can also make videos to refute all the slander against our Church. The idea has been proposed. Many people will be tremendously embarrassed if we do so. You see videos of people laughing at the Palmarian Church. We also laugh at their ridiculous arguments and we can show all this in future videos.
In the Apparitions of Fatima, the children visionaries suffered because people did not believe in the Apparitions. They asked the Virgin Mary for a sign to prove the veracity of the Apparitions and She did so in a marvellous way with the miracle of the sun that a hundred thousand people witnessed. To this day, the vast majority of people who know about the Palmarian Church do not believe that it is the True Church of Christ. We too live with the hope that Our Crowned Mother of Palmar will give a great sign so that everyone can clearly see that the Palmarian Church is the Catholic Church of all times, previously with its See in Rome and now in El Palmar de Troya. We know from the Palmarian Doctrine that the Most Holy Virgin Mary will appear over the Great Cathedral of El Palmar de Troya, where the Holy See of the Palmarian Catholic Church is located. It will come as no surprise, then, that at any moment the Mother of God will point out the Palmarian Church as Her Church, the Church that She protects and guides with Her maternal hand. May all be attentive to the signs of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. The translation of the Catholic Church from Rome to El Palmar de Troya is Her work. This translation began with Her first Apparition in El Palmar de Troya on the 30th of March 1968.
As occurs every year, Palmarian Holy Week begins on the 20th of March, the day on which Palm Sunday is commemorated. Maundy Thursday is commemorated on the 24th of March. Good Friday is commemorated on the 25th of March and Easter Sunday is commemorated on the 27th of March. The reason for celebrating Holy Week on these dates is because we do not see much sense in changing Holy Week from one date to another every year, when it is known that the 25th of March was the day of the crucifixion of Our Lord; therefore, this day will always be Good Friday.
For those interested in Palmarian Holy Week, you can watch the videos that will be posted as close as possible to these dates, both on YouTube and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It will not be possible to witness it in person this year. Only Palmarian faithful will be able to attend to avoid large crowds of people. We are expecting faithful from many countries for the Holy Week pilgrimage. A week of abundant Holy Masses, prayer and penance. The truth is that the Palmarian faithful experience something very special in their souls on these days. Something that is inexplicable for those who unfortunately are not members of the Palmarian Church. During these days, the members of the Mystical Body of Christ receive very special graces for their salvation and also for the salvation of many other souls.
Outside of Holy Week, visits continue in the mornings and remember that you have to come by appointment by writing beforehand to the following email address: ocsficp@gmail.com. The norms of Christian decency must always be taken into account when visiting the Church. These norms are necessary because it is a visit to the House of God. It is a visit to a Sacred Place. However, everyone should dress decently all the time. We have published a little card with Our Lady of Fatima on the front and the following on the back: “Message for the Daughters of Mary. If you want to be a daughter of Mary Most Holy, you need to imitate Her virtues. In the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in Fatima in the year 1917, our Divine Mother announced that fashions were to come which would grievously offend Her Divine Son Jesus. The sin of impurity is the sin which draws most souls down to Hell. Indecent clothing is always a grievous sin for the person who wears it and also for whoever takes pleasure in looking at people indecently dressed. Change the way you dress! Cover your body, if you don’t want to be forever damned!”