Firstly, we are going to undertake to present clear signs that the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church is the True Church. Yes, the true one: not a sect as claimed by a multitude of ignorant people in many places. The True Church means the only Church that is faithful to Christ and the only Church that possesses the Eucharistic presence of Christ. The True Church, faithful to sound doctrine, is the Palmarian Church. For this reason, although some say that the Palmarian Church is a sect, we proclaim that the Palmarian Church is the True Church.
So that it can be clearly understood why we are so sure that it is the True Church, we will make a comparison between what happens in Heaven and what happens in Hell. In Heaven, everyone obeys God the Father, even the very Son of God, who became man and died in agony on the Cross. In Hell, Satan is the chief of all the rebellious angels and the damned but no one obeys him. Obedience is a virtue and in Hell there is no virtue, only the opposite. Therefore, no matter how much Satan commands, no one obeys him there. In the Palmarian Church everyone obeys the Pope and there is peace and harmony amongst its members. The same Holy Mass will be seen in all the Palmarian Chapels, the same way of administering the Holy Sacraments, the same customs for prayers and hymns, the adornments, etc. In other words, a uniformity that makes a Palmarian feel that he is in a Palmarian Chapel regardless of whether he attends Divine Worship in Argentina or in Switzerland, or in any other country. Logically, in Argentina the faithful pray in Spanish and in Germany they pray in German.
In the other churches that are not true but false, however large they may be, however beautiful their chapels and places of worship may be, the great lack of unity can be seen. They do not obey their leaders; everyone does what they want. Each one makes changes in their own way, thus manifesting their disobedience to their leaders. The greatest example is in the Roman church, which has become a hotchpotch of habits and ideas. The faithful live disillusioned by the different opinions held by bishops and cardinals. In the True Church there is one person who commands, inspired by God the Holy Ghost, and the others humbly bow their heads and obey. Thus peace is preserved among the faithful of the Church. Read this writing: “Where is the True Church?” Everything is explained very well in this writing.
We recently opened a YouTube channel in English and we have now done the same in the German language. We get a significant amount of feedback about the Church on the English channel. It can be noted that many people do not know anything about the history of this True Church but at least they are learning something. And with the new videos that will be published, the Holy Ghost will enlighten you to appreciate more and more what truly is the antechamber to Heaven: the Palmarian Church.
We continue to work on the new blog on our website with the most recent and interesting posts. We will try to keep the blog up to date with information about our activities.
Here is the list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits to our website. Countries that have lost or gained positions are highlighted.
1. | Argentina | 11. | Venezuela | 21. | Germany |
2. | Brazil | 12. | United States | 22. | Guatemala |
3. | Mexico | 13. | Ecuador | 23. | Paraguay |
4. | Colombia | 14. | Ukraine | 24. | Indonesia |
5. | India | 15. | Bolivia | 25. | Congo Kinshasa |
6. | Spain | 16. | Nicaragua | 26. | Italy |
7. | Dominican Republic | 17. | Kenya | 27. | Iraq |
8. | Peru | 18. | Bangladesh | 28. | Chile |
9. | Nigeria | 19. | Uganda | 29. | Nepal |
10. | The Philippines | 20. | Honduras | 30. | Poland |
Under the gaze and guidance of the Blessed and ever Virgin Mary, we will endeavor to continue spreading the knowledge of the True Church to more places. Our missionaries will be visiting more and more countries including Mexico, Cameroon and Congo-Kinshasa. We expect abundant fruits from these visits. Wherever the Palmarian missionaries go, they always celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and this logically brings abundant fruits to the countries they visit.
Once again, our perverse enemies make comments to calm their anguished consciences with slander and lies. They posted the following comment criticizing Palmarian children:
These children know nothing other than praying like parrots without knowing why, children who see their brothers and sisters entering Palmarian cloisters to be priests or nuns, girls who during indoctrination are taught by the nuns that they are forbidden to think of staying single, either you get married or off to the convent, and if not, you’re excommunicated!!!
Christ himself taught: “Pray so that you do not fall in temptation.” The Blessed Virgin Mary asked for prayer and penance in all the places of Apparitions. And many times she taught the children seers to pray. The True Church never forces anyone to take a state in life. Each faithful of the True Church can freely and voluntarily choose their status: religious, married, or single. Our enemies, poor things, live very disturbed and think 24 hours a day how to put an end to the Church of Christ with slander and lies. Do you not have jobs, do you not have obligations?
Fools, do not forget the words of Christ to His enemies: “Woe to you, hypocrites! You purify the outside of cup and dish, yet inside your hearts you are full of rapine and filth. Blind guides! First purify the inside of cup and dish, that is to say your hearts, so as to cleanse your whole being. Woe to you, hypocrites! For you are like whitened sepulchres, which outwardly seem attractive to men but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all kinds of rottenness. Likewise, you as well outwardly present yourselves as righteous before men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”
Fools, do not forget the words of Christ to His enemies: “And I say to you that you are Peter and upon this Rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her. To you I will give the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven; and whatever you shall loose on earth shall also be loosed in Heaven.” Fools, you are wasting your time, the words of Christ will be fulfilled: “The heavens and the earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.”
Christ will help His Church until the end of time!