To discover the truth about the True Church, one vital thing is to believe the truth. One truth is this: Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, today Pope Saint Gregory XVII the Very Great, received Heavenly Messages. Many say this could not be true because he was a sinner. But this is all the more reason to believe that he could receive Heavenly Messages, because it was he himself who was being corrected by Heaven. A saint would not need to be given so many messages. Messages are given for the conversion of sinners, and as the world is full of sinners, God chooses one of them and touches his heart and the hearts of many more. If Heaven chooses a great sinner and this sinner does much prayer and penance, he is a great example to all. Those of us who knew Saint Gregory XVII well can confirm, and no one can take this title away from him, that he was a man of prayer. He spent long nights walking around praying with his rosary in his hand. And he prayed a lot. He was blind. He couldn’t read or see anything. Ask anyone who lived with him and they will all say that he prayed walking. No one can take that away from him. He was a man of prayer and penance. That is why he became an outstanding saint. How hard it must have been for him to deserve this title! How hard it was for him to give up smoking, especially being blind, as smoking was of great enjoyment to him!

     Those who have committed great sins should look at Saint Gregory XVII, and admire how God brought him out of a life of sin and moulded him over many years so that the Church recognized his life of holiness and canonized him. Likewise, see how Saint Augustine was converted. As a bachelor, he had a son and was a very great sinner, but God called him to do great things for Him. The important thing is to finish life in holiness; our eternal salvation depends on this. Saint Augustine is just one example. Look also at the great Apostle Saint Paul, who before his conversion lived a life devoted to persecuting Christians. Christ, Almighty God, appeared to him on the road to Damascus and gave him the opportunity of conversion. Saint Paul humbled himself and not only converted, but like Saint Gregory XVII, he devoted himself fully to do penance for his sins and became an extraordinary Apostle of the Church. Those who have committed the foulest sins are in many cases the first to accuse others. Is it not so? Or is it that Jesus was mistaken in the Gospel when He said to the Jews who wanted to stone the woman who committed adultery: “Let whoever is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.”

    Since this website was started 45 months ago, it has been viewed from every country in the world except North Korea. But God is great and His Palmarian Catholic Church is for all peoples and countries. We have no doubt that one day in the not too distant future those from North Korea will also see Palmarian publications. We also have publications in Korean.

     We are continually changing the website to improve it in many ways. There are now many more audios for those who want to listen rather than read. We have added a number of new photographs, especially on the page about the Palmarian missions around the world. There are beautiful pictures of our Chapels in many countries. We have also uploaded the most recent videos. We are very grateful to the collaborators who spend long hours embellishing the website and those who make the videos and audios. Thanks be to God we are receiving more help from very competent people for the technical work. All are collaborating for their love of God and the Most Holy Virgin and to see the approaching triumph of the Holy Palmarian Church. We hope to be able to show more of these advances soon.

    Here is the list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits to our website. Countries that have lost or gained positions are highlighted.

1. Argentina 11. Venezuela 21. Germany
2. Brazil 12. United States 22. Paraguay
3. Mexico 13. Ecuador 23. Guatemala
4. Colombia 14. Ukraine 24. Congo Kinshasa
5. India 15. Bolivia 25. Italy
6. Spain 16. Nicaragua 26. Indonesia
7. Dominican Republic 17. Bangladesh 27. Chile
8. Peru 18. Kenya 28. Iraq
9. Nigeria 19. Honduras 29. El Salvador
10. The Philippines 20. Uganda 30. Poland

     Our YouTube videos are becoming more and more successful, with ever increasing views. This work of God is spreading by leaps and bounds more than ever before. This is not because we are making more effort to be seen, but because God wants the world to know His True Church. And since it is Almighty God Himself who wants it, nothing and no one can prevent it. It is not surprising that we sometimes receive negative feedback; this does not matter. The important thing is that our existence is well known by the world, and then God will turn the coin around and His Holy Church will emerge victorious.

    Some people, enemies of the Holy Palmarian Church, are always waiting to discredit the True Pope, His Holiness Peter III. They do not miss an opportunity to spread lies in order to harm his good works. Do not forget that the Pope has many Angels to defend him! Are the Angels of God going to allow these malicious people to defeat the Church? Certainly not. The world would be a very different place if we loved the Angels, if we lived the reality that the Angels are placed by God to protect men and to help them to save themselves. Every day our Guardian Angel defends us, helps us against the traps of the evil angels. We know from the Palmarian Catechism that every human being, from conception, has at least one Guardian Angel assigned to him by God. We also know from the same Catechism that every man, from conception, has at least one tempting demon assigned to him by the infernal spirits, by divine permission. The mission of these evil angels or infernal spirits is to seek the eternal damnation of souls. The infernal spirits hate God and hate those who love him.

     For this reason, children have always been taught the prayer to the Guardian Angel, so that a Christian can invoke the one whom God has appointed as his companion and protector for life: “O Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here: Ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.”

    In the same way, every Christian should have the holy habit of praying to Saint Michael the Archangel, who is the Prince of all the heavenly hosts. The prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel is on our website, which has a beautiful prayer book available for downloading and printing. A life without prayer is a life doomed to dryness and spiritual misery. On the other hand, those who take time to pray will feel greater peace and spiritual prosperity. Prayer is the solution for all our problems and needs.