The Palmarian Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ. This is a very, very serious matter. It is not something to be mocked as many do, calling it a sect. Those who call it that show great ignorance. As they do not understand it, they criticize and make fun of it, thus revealing their lack of religious knowledge and education. The Most Holy Virgin Mary chose the village of El Palmar de Troya for Her great Apparition in 1968 for very important reasons. Before that Apparition in El Palmar de Troya, the following was prophesied in the apparitions of Ezquioga, Spain, when Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “There will be precursory signs of the war, religious tepidity and moral corruption, vice deemed as virtue and virtue as vice, believers deemed as lunatics and unbelievers as enlightened” (Extract from the messages given to Benita Aguirre in July and August 1933). For this reason, those who mock and make publications against the Palmarian Church truly are unbelievers and lunatics.
And as a consequence of this truth, we will open up ways for those who are sincere. Read the latest Apostolic Letter from His Holiness Pope Peter III and you will see that in the Holy Palmarian Church the authentic Catholic Faith is followed. We follow the teachings of the Popes of the Catholic Church of all time, previously the roman Catholic Church. How many times did the Popes ask the Catholic faithful to dress in a Christian way and, nevertheless, they did not pay attention to them. For this reason, Our Lord Jesus Christ grew tired of Rome and chose a Spaniard, a Sevillian with a strong temperament, so that the Church would have a leader capable of imposing order and organizing the Church into a state pleasing to God. And so this was done by Pope Saint Gregory XVII, the Glory of the Olives. The famous Saint Malachias prophesized about the Popes and gave them a motto that would identify their Pontificate. The motto that corresponded to Pope Gregory XVII was ‘The Glory of the Olives’. El Palmar de Troya, this Sevillian land, is full of olive groves. The title ‘Glory of the Olives’ suits Pope Gregory XVII perfectly, personally chosen and crowned by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Whoever travels through El Palmar de Troya will see an incalculable number of olive trees. There Christ pointed out where his Vicar was through the prophecies of Saint Malachias, well known among those with a solid Catholic education.
Our website is now published in 28 languages and we still plan to do more. The coordinators of the translations of the Palmarian publications continue their great work of making the knowledge of the True Church available to all people around the world. It was clearly said by Christ in his Eschatological Sermon: “And prior to all these things, the Gospel shall be preached throughout the world, to give testimony of it to all peoples, and then shall the end come, since the world shall be purified by fire.”
Here is the list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits to our website. Countries that have lost or gained positions are highlighted.
1. | Argentina | 11. | United States | 21. | Paraguay |
2. | Brazil | 12. | Venezuela | 22. | Kenya |
3. | Mexico | 13. | Ecuador | 23. | Guatemala |
4. | India | 14. | Bangladesh | 24. | Iraq |
5. | Spain | 15. | Nicaragua | 25. | Chile |
6. | Colombia | 16. | Bolivia | 26. | El Salvador |
7. | Philippines | 17. | Ukraine | 27. | Italy |
8. | Peru | 18. | Honduras | 28. | Cameroon |
9. | Dominican Republic | 19. | Germany | 29. | Pakistan |
10. | Nigeria | 20. | Congo Kinshasa | 30. | Poland |
Here are the ten cities from which we receive the most visits. 1. Buenos Aires. 2. Santa Fe de Bogotá. 3. Lagos. 4. Santo Domingo. 5. Córdoba (Argentina). 6. Mexico City. 7. Madrid. 8. Sao Paulo. 9. Managua. 10 Quezon City.
Returning to the very important letter from His Holiness Pope Peter III on the obligation to dress in a Christian way, which is now available on our website: His Holiness relies heavily on the great Saint of the last century, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who never tired of demanding all those who approached him to dress decently. There are many followers of Saint Pio in this world, but they are false followers because they do not fulfill what he taught. He taught women to wear long skirts and not trousers. Beginning from page 41 of the Apostolic Letter of Pope Peter III, it makes very clear the position of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina regarding the Christian way of dressing. Whoever does not comply with what Saint Pio taught cannot be called a spiritual son or daughter of Saint Pio. Rather, those who break the norms of dress preached so much by this saint should call themselves children of Satan, seeing as they follow Satan and not Saint Pio. These are harsh words, but that is the reality. By dressing badly, others are provoked to sin and it is easier for those souls to be damned eternally. Dress well, with long skirts if you are women, without low necklines, without transparencies, with dignity, so as not to have to account to God for having been guilty of the eternal damnation of others. This is a very serious matter.
Finally, some who have read our last report have been interested in the future Great Miracle of the Virgin in El Palmar de Troya above the Cathedral Basilica. The prophecy comes from Saint John the Evangelist: “I, Apostle John, saw a great sign appear in the heavens: a Woman clothed with the sun, her head crowned by twelve stars, and the crescent under her feet.” In this passage is mysteriously contained the Great Miracle of Palmar, which will consist in the apotheosic Apparition of the Most Holy Virgin Mary under the Sweet Title of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar, with the luminous emblems of Her heavenly royalty, and treading upon the crescent, symbol of schism and heresy. On that day of Her great Apparition, Our Crowned Mother of Palmar will display the radiance of Her glory as never before in any apparition up till then. By Her glorious and triumphant apocalyptic manifestation, the Most Holy Virgin Mary will give universal and unequivocal proof of the veracity of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church. But only God knows the time, the day and the year of this apotheosic Apparition, to confuse the proud.
We have recently published the Act of Stigmatization of March 14th, 1973 of Pope Saint Gregory XVII, signed by witnesses. It is a document that describes what happened that day, when Saint Gregory was still a layman, the principal seer of El Palmar de Troya. He suffered the Holy Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ mystically. The Stigmatization Act was signed by 20 witnesses. It can be read on our website.