Every month we write this Report about our website, and we have now reached the Thirtieth Report. This means that the website has been published for two and a half years. During this time, more than a million people have seen it. Some view it for a long time and others for a short time. Of course, the world has almost 8 billion people, so a million represents a very small percentage. However, we have sown a million seeds, which do not grow equally: some take longer than others to flower. With good rain they grow faster; that is, with much prayer people grow in faith and virtue. Storms destroy what is cultivated and do not allow it to grow; that is, sins hinder the growth of the seeds. A limited amount of these seeds sown by the website bloom immediately but there are numerous storms. Many souls who receive the light to believe in the Palmarian Church soon lose it due to the deceptions instigated by the prince of darkness, Satan, father of lies. He, with an abundant number of assistants, spreads lies everywhere with great ease.
Satan is the father of lies and, as the Palmarian Creed says, he is the inventor and instigator of all evil. The devil moves men to lie. Remember that lying is knowingly saying what one knows is not true. It is speaking the opposite of what one feels and thinks. How many deceitful publications there are about the True Church of Christ! How much slander is spread in the media about the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church! Woe to those who wrongly present what is the apple of the Eternal Father’s eye! To those who want to know the truth we say be careful. Outside of this website, which is so inspired by Heaven, there are found the many publications inspired by Satan. Nevertheless, the children of the Light will continue their apostolate and the gates of hell will not prevail against their impetus.
Of the million people who have seen our website, many are convinced of having found the True Church of Christ; however, a large part of them, due to their lack of prayer and vigilance, have turned back. They have allowed themselves to be defeated by Satan and his henchmen.
Here is the list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits to our website:
1. | Argentina | 11. | Dominican Republic | 21. | Kenya |
2. | Brazil | 12. | Ecuador | 22. | Cameroon |
3. | Mexico | 13. | Venezuela | 23. | Poland |
4. | Spain | 14. | Nicaragua | 24. | Pakistan |
5. | India | 15. | Germany | 25. | Guatemala |
6. | Colombia | 16. | Congo-Kinshasa | 26. | Italy |
7. | The Philippines | 17. | Honduras | 27. | France |
8. | Peru | 18. | Ukraine | 28. | Ivory Coast |
9. | United States | 19. | Chile | 29. | Bolivia |
10. | Nigeria | 20. | Bangladesh | 30. | United Kingdom |
Our Facebook page in Spanish receives more visits from Venezuela than from any other country. This is followed by Mexico in second place, Colombia in third, Argentina in fourth and Nicaragua in fifth. On our Facebook page in English, India is the country with the most visits, followed by Nigeria, the Philippines, Kenya and Ireland.
Our Website is and always will be a source of authentic Catholic spirituality, so it is very beneficial to stay up-to-date with the new publications that appear. That is why we encourage those who visit our website to also keep an eye out for the emails we send each month with information on new publications. If you have not subscribed, please do so to stay current and informed of this truthful and encouraging information.
We insist that prayer is imperative to know where the True Church of Christ is. We have published a new edition of the Palmarian Devotionary, which has been made especially for this website. At the moment, it is only available in Spanish. Later it will appear in more languages. This new edition of the Palmarian Devotionary is a beautiful work done by a Palmarian faithful very dedicated to this work of God. He and many other members of the Church work long hours for the triumph of the Church of Christ. They sacrifice a lot so that millions of others can enjoy the sublime Palmarian doctrine publicizing the work of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and our Mother, in the Sacred Place of Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya. This is how Palmarians live, at the feet of the Blessed Virgin Mary to please Her as much as they can. Some in one way, others in another. The great Palmarian family has Jesus Christ as their father and the Divine Virgin Mary as their mother. It also has Saint Joseph as their protector. Thus, those who wish to reach holiness will not find a more suitable place than within the Holy Palmarian Church.
The True Church of Christ prohibits television because of the moral damage it does to so many souls. However, we strive to have many healthy, spiritual and encouraging films for our faithful to enjoy. It is not that we prohibit everything, but that we want to prohibit what is bad and make accessible to the faithful that which helps the spiritual well-being of their souls. We do not have Palmarian television, but with so many beautiful films and videos that we have, there is no need for the corrupted films of the world.
The apostolic letters of the Holy Father, His Holiness Pope Peter III, often call young people to take upon their shoulders the cross of the priesthood. The cross of the priesthood is heavy, but because God gives us so much strength to carry it, it is very bearable. It can even be far lighter than the cross of single and married people. The priest’s cross can become a cross with beautiful roses blooming everywhere. When you look at the religious life from the outside, you only see sacrifice and total self-denial. Priests and nuns are seen to live isolated from the world, often in convents. “Such a pity what these people miss out on!” people in the world might say. However, it is not that the religious have missed out on the joy of the world— they have gone to attain spiritual joy in this life and accumulate treasures for Heaven. Living the religious life in a holy way is living an anticipation of Heaven.