This website has an especially important mission. One part of its objective is to give people an opportunity to read information that is reliable. Although the radio and television, etc., report news that can help understand a situation, nevertheless when it comes to providing information on the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church, they always seem to mess up that information. Some parts are true, but many other parts of the information are a long way from reality.
Because of the recent outbreak of COVID-19 in the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, a lot of publicity has once again been given to the Palmarian Church. There have been lots of programs on television, news broadcasts on radio, on the internet etc. All this publicity generates interest in the Palmarian Church, and we have seen a multitude of people checking out our website recently, especially in Spain. Hopefully all these visitors will have learned something important about the True Catholic Church in the time they have spent browsing the website. God in His infinite wisdom knows how to make the best out of the worst situations. It is God’s will that people visit our website and read the Heavenly Messages of the Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya. God wants people to read the Palmarian Doctrine which is so rich and valuable for the soul.
The enemies of the Palmarian Church will delight in our recent situation, but the firm Hand of God will ensure that His Holy Church will benefit enormously from its recent sufferings. Our Lord’s sufferings, united to those of His Most Holy Mother the Blessed Virgen Mary, opened Heaven for us. Now the sufferings of the members of the Palmarian Church, especially the bishops, will bear abundant fruit. Important events may even be brought forward as a result of these sufferings.
We would like to use this report as an opportunity to thank very especially all those who helped us in any way during the crisis we had with the COVID-19, especially the teams of doctors and nurses assigned to us by the Social Security of Spain. We are also very grateful to the hospitals that have cared for the sick. One bishop who was in intensive care in the Virgen del Rocio hospital commented about the tremendous dedication and perfection of those who worked in that part of the hospital.
With the large number of Spanish visitors to the website recently, Spain is closing the gap between itself and México which is in third place. The exceptional interest from the Dominican Republic has advanced that country to eleventh place. We will continue looking at the cities that most frequent the Website: Number one is Buenos Aires, number two is Lagos, three is Mexico City, Madrid has moved up to forth place, five is Cordoba (Argentina), six is San Pablo, seven is Bogota, eight is Quezon City, nine is Seville and number ten is Rio de Janeiro.
Here is the list of the thirty countries with the highest number of visits to our website:
1. | Argentina | 11. | Dominican Republic | 21. | France |
2. | Brazil | 12. | Germany | 22. | Ivory Coast |
3. | Mexico | 13. | Congo-Kinshasa | 23. | United Kingdom |
4. | Spain | 14. | Chile | 24. | Italy |
5. | India | 15. | Cameroon | 25. | Venezuela |
6. | The Philippines | 16. | Nicaragua | 26. | Russia |
7. | Colombia | 17. | Kenya | 27. | Paraguay |
8. | Peru | 18. | Ecuador | 28. | Guatemala |
9. | United States | 19. | Poland | 29 | El Salvador |
10. | Nigeria | 20. | Ukraine | 30. | Honduras |
In the Holy Palmarian Church, the month of February is dedicated to the Holy Face of Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ. February 2nd is a Holy Day and is the Principal feast of the Holy Face. In the Heavenly Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya, great importance was given to the propagation of the devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. On the 23rd of September 1970, in the Sacred Place of the Lentisco in El Palmar de Troya, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina appeared to Clemente Domínguez and gave him the following Message: “My son: I was a true lover of the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The great devotees of the Holy Face have incomparable glory. They are closer to Jesus contemplating His Glorious Countenance. All true devotees of the Holy Face will receive superabundant graces to attain sanctity; which they will achieve ever united to the Divine Master’s Cross; there is no sanctity without Cross. They must be crucified together with Jesus, and implore the Mother of God to pray unceasingly for all.
Those who spread devotion to the Holy Face will be recompensed in the Heavenly Homeland, and also in the earthly homeland, in singular fashion. My son: imitate the great adorers of the Holy Face, and above all Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, she who loved the Holy Face most. She therefore occupies a pre-eminent place beside Jesus.”
The month of March which will soon be here, the month the Church devotes very especially to Saint Joseph. The messages of El Palmar speak of love and devotion to the Saints and the veneration of their Images, especially Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph. Saint Joseph never fails whoever confides in him. By confiding in St Joseph, we obtain great peace because we know that worries destroy our happiness in life. Worries cause illnesses, they make us feel bad and we lose interest in taking care of our responsibilities. Worries make us abandon important spiritual undertakings. Worries produce fear and make people nervous. We know that the future is not in our hands, and we do not know how things will turn out. Worries, whatever they may be, cease when we put them in Saint Joseph’s hands. By trusting completely in him, our worries end, calm returns and will remain as long as the soul confides in this great protector.
God the Holy Ghost guides souls to go confidently to Saint Joseph. He inflames them with trust and makes them feel interior security that by going to Saint Joseph their problems will be solved. Saint Joseph’s mission is so important that if we ignore his help or leave aside devotion to him, it would not be possible to climb up the spiritual ladder and attain closer union with God. Without this Glorious Saint, our devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary will always be incomplete. We will never develop the same love for the Holy Mother of God as we would loving and trusting in Her Virginal Spouse. Let us remember that Saint Joseph is the great protector of the Church and our protector. You will find that, among the Palmarian faithful, a great majority of them are very devoted to Saint Joseph. In the Palmarian Library on our website, the Palmarian Prayer Book contains the Holy Josephine Rosary, a rosary dedicated especially to Saint Joseph. Praying to Saint Joseph is the first step in learning to know and love him, which will result in learning to confide completely in this great Saint.