56th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

56th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The 9th of August this year marked 45 years since the See and Cathedra of Rome were translated to El Palmar de Troya by Divine Mandate, when Rome became the Great Harlot of the Last Times, thus fulfilling the apocalyptic fall of Babylon the Great or the city of the seven hills. The prophesies of the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin in La Salette, France, in 1846 were fulfilled: The Most Holy Virgin wept and announced many of the evils which were to befall the Church and the world, and the chastisements for blasphemers, profaners of Sundays and others: "Alas for Priests and for persons consecrated to God, who, by their infidelities and bad conduct, are again crucifying My Son!” “Spirits of darkness will spread universal laxity on earth…
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