55th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

55th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

As the Palmarian Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ, we have the support of Almighty God in our apostolate. Whether we are accepted or rejected is not in our hands. We present the True Church with her wonderful Divine Worship and beautiful doctrines to the world for all to see or read as the case may be. We realize that there are questions that are somewhat thorny. For example, the Gestatorial Chair, which was used for 500 years in the Church, has provoked an enormous amount of harsh criticism from many people who have seen our videos. They think we are worshiping the Pope. There is a very simple explanation why the Gestatorial Chair is used for the Sacred Person of the Pope, who is the Vicar of…
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NEW! The Liturgical Colours

NEW! The Liturgical Colours

NEW! The Liturgical Colours. Read now [audio mp3="https://www.palmarianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Audio-The-Liturgical-Colours-English.mp3"][/audio]
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