60th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

60th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

As we have reached the 60th report and we publish every month on the 15th, it means that it is 5 years since the website of Christ was started. This website is published by the Holy Palmarian Church which is the True Church of Christ. We know that the True Church has Christ as its guide, as source of Divine Light; that is why we can clearly say that this website is the work of Christ. A Christ thirsting for souls, a Christ eager to lead souls to His Church which He Himself founded on Calvary. Christ, the very Son of God, has His representative on Earth, who is the Pope. Unfortunately, there are very few faithful who recognize His True Vicar, Pope Peter III. In spite of the fact…
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59th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

59th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The apostolate of the True Church of Christ, the Holy Palmarian Church, continues with ever greater success with the impulse of the Holy Ghost. We are reaching more and more people, increasing the number of views of our publications in an extraordinary way. Since we published the last report a month ago, many more millions of people know about the existence of the Palmarian Church, the Church undoubtedly protected by the Eternal Father. How many people learn from this Holy Church what is for the Palmarians a customary thing! The beautiful publications about the Eternal Father during His novena pleased many people because they never see that devotion elsewhere. The Eternal Father is the Fount without source, Unbegotten in all His infinite divine attributes, Fount of the Godhead, of the…
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58th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

58th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

What an impression the Catholic Church of El Palmar de Troya, Seville, Spain makes! A Church which is small in number, but which captures attention for the beauty of its Divine Worship, and its love for everything Heavenly. It is the Light amid a world immersed in impenetrable spiritual darkness. Take a good look at the videos published by the Palmarian Church − that is the way God stretches out His hands to souls enveloped in corruption in order to invite them to follow Him in the Holy Palmarian Church. In these videos, God makes Himself known to mankind, inviting men to leave all false churches, including the roman church, to be with Him in the Church which He loves and protects. Do not pay attention to all those who…
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57th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

57th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Years go by and the world does not react to the numerous scandals in the roman church, the largest sect in the history of the Catholic Church. In 1978 the roman church separated from the Catholic Church by accepting the antipope John Paul I as the head of its sect. It is called a sect because it separated from the root. Christ founded the Christian Church on Calvary and the first head was Saint Peter the Apostle. The 263rd Pope was Saint Paul VI. When he died, Christ appeared to Bishop Father Ferdinand (Clemente Domínguez y Gómez) and visibly conferred the Papacy on him, and at this moment he became the 264th Pope. Therefore, those who followed Father Ferdinand followed the true Pope, and those who followed John Paul I…
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56th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

56th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The 9th of August this year marked 45 years since the See and Cathedra of Rome were translated to El Palmar de Troya by Divine Mandate, when Rome became the Great Harlot of the Last Times, thus fulfilling the apocalyptic fall of Babylon the Great or the city of the seven hills. The prophesies of the Apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin in La Salette, France, in 1846 were fulfilled: The Most Holy Virgin wept and announced many of the evils which were to befall the Church and the world, and the chastisements for blasphemers, profaners of Sundays and others: "Alas for Priests and for persons consecrated to God, who, by their infidelities and bad conduct, are again crucifying My Son!” “Spirits of darkness will spread universal laxity on earth…
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55th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

55th Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

As the Palmarian Catholic Church is the True Church of Christ, we have the support of Almighty God in our apostolate. Whether we are accepted or rejected is not in our hands. We present the True Church with her wonderful Divine Worship and beautiful doctrines to the world for all to see or read as the case may be. We realize that there are questions that are somewhat thorny. For example, the Gestatorial Chair, which was used for 500 years in the Church, has provoked an enormous amount of harsh criticism from many people who have seen our videos. They think we are worshiping the Pope. There is a very simple explanation why the Gestatorial Chair is used for the Sacred Person of the Pope, who is the Vicar of…
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NEW! The Liturgical Colours

NEW! The Liturgical Colours

NEW! The Liturgical Colours. Read now [audio mp3="https://www.palmarianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Audio-The-Liturgical-Colours-English.mp3"][/audio]
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