41st Report on the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

Ave María Purísima! This time we begin the report with the Palmarian greeting, "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" (“Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin”). This is not something new that the Palmarian Catholic Church has introduced, but it is a traditional greeting that older people will remember using and hearing many years ago. When two Palmarians greet each other, they not only greet each other: they also pray, for "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" is one of our main prayers. When two Palmarians say "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" they launch a powerful exorcism against Satan and his minions. When two Palmarians greet each other with "Ave María Purísima, sin pecado concebida" they proclaim with joy and confidence that Mary, our Mother, is the Immaculate, the…
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