4th Report of the Website of the Holy Palmarian Church

The countries that most visit our website continue to be mainly Spain, the United States and Brazil. Spain regains first place before the United States.Thank God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, there are more than one hundred and twenty countries that have visited our website. We hope that the countries that have not yet visited it, will soon do so and have this blessing to know the Palmarian Church.The fact that in the third report it emerged that the United States achieved the number one position in visits to our website, was that an American website did a report on the Palmarian Church. The article began with an offensive title to the Vicar of Christ, His Holiness Pope Peter III. But, wisely, God brings good from evil. Many, wanting to…
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Happy Outcome of Palmarian Holy Week 2019!

20th of March – 27th of March Once again the Infinite Mercy and Divine Providence were felt during the Joyful Palmarian Holy Week 2019. It seemed that Our Lord diverted the rains from these lands at the confident plea of his Vicar, His Holiness Pope Peter III. What better proof of his love for his Children! We must once again thank Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother for the great outcome of the Divine Worship performed in Their honor and glory. When we pray in a confident and humble way, we receive from God countless graces. Veneration of the Sacred Image of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar On the 30th of March took place the ceremony of the kissing of the Sacred Image of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar.…
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